! Needs designed !



11 months, 12 days ago


I‘m always forgetting characters that need designed, and end up making random designs when I could be making one of these cats. I’m also mentioning these characters in other’s stories and links while they don’t have designs, or profiles, so I’m gonna put more important characters who haven’t been designed here!

 (And putting concept art for the characters in the images, either unfinished art that I would like to turn into the design, or just random ideas for some characters.)



design progress: traditional sketch concept art (yet to decide if will be used)

appearance: undecided

personality : witty, sensitive, easily flustered, jumpy, a bit judgmental, self conscious 

extra: Sproutleap had always expected he would die fighting for his clan far into his future, unfortunately for him his death came far too quickly, while he was barely older than an apprentice, and he wasn’t a hero liked he had hoped. He feels he needs to prove himself constantly, and does just about anything the other Starclan cats tell him to. Sometimes he refuses, but in the end he finds himself doing it anyway.

He’s become a sort of “messenger”, and unfortunately for him, he often finds himself in the dark forest, or other dangerous situations.


3rd medicine cat (no name ideas yet)

design progress: nothing

personality : quite the opposite of Willowsong and Fernmeadow, she’s quiet, timid, honest, and friendly. She’s one of the few cats to believe Sagestar has made the right choice following Starclan, but she hasn’t admitted it yet for the fear some cat may harm her.

extra: She ends up being the first of the medicine cats to go to the Moonglade and speak with starclan, becoming friends with Goldenheart, while the other medicine cats are still not willing to trust her. Fernmeadow and Willowsong are yet to find out where she has been disappearing to.

Sagestar’s mom

design progress: traditional sketch 

appearance: undecided

personality : aloof, judgmental, cruel, proud, snarky, kind to her kin, and higher roles in the clan, but no one else.

extra: nothing I can think of rn


design progress: traditional sketch 

appearance: black/ dark gray with white

personality : proud, sarcastic, silly, social, manipulative, stubborn, spiteful, selfish, friendly, protective

extra: formerly one of Batpaw’s closest friends. Her parents died on the journey to the clan territory’s when Dovepaw was an apprentice. Batpaw’s parents took her in, Dovepaw was never very attached to them, she did like them though. Her and Batpaw did almost everything together as apprentices, Dovepaw truly believed she was the most important cat in Batpaw’s life, and sometimes got jealous when Batpaw spent too much time with other cats. Batpaw and Dovepaw were always getting into trouble, until one day their schemes went too far, which resulted in a terrible tragedy. Doveshadow was distraught when Batpaw was missing the next day. She found Bat had joined The Starless, but refused to believe she had joined willingly and tried to bring her back. Bat tried to convince her she was happier, unfortunately Dovepaw wasn’t interested in listening, all she wanted was for Bat to return. Bat told her many times over she had taken the “paw” suffix from her name, which seemed to make Doveshadow even more determined to use it. In the end WrenCry finds the two and attacks Dovepaw, only letting her go when she realizes Bat still feels some connection to her, Dovepaw runs off and the last the two see each other is in a war moons later, then never again. While Bat still thinks fondly of Dovepaw and misses her greatly, Doveshadow’s  memories of Bat are full of hate.

Bat’s mom

design progress: nothing

appearance: undecided. black or gray

personality : snobbish, two-faced, clever, proud, blunt, gentle (only with Bat really lol)

extra: She tried her best to be a good mom to Bat, and loved her dearly, unfortunately she didn’t seem to love Bat enough to realize how much it hurt when she argued with her mate in front of Bat. She constantly gets in arguments with her mate, (or other cats) and tries to make them look like the bad one. She believes she’s perfect, if anything goes wrong someone else is always to blame.

Bat’s dad

design progress: nothing

appearance: undecided, black or gray

personality : Reserved, kind, gentle, stoic, short tempered, honest, loyal, Stubborn, ambitious 

extra: He tried to be the best father he could to Bat, he seems much more aware of her emotions than her mom/his mate did and tried not to argue when she was around, unfortunately his temper often got the best of him. He tried to teach Bat to be Disciplined, and to follow the warrior code and be respectful, unlike Bat’s mom who believed her daughter should do whatever she pleased without consequences.

He was Wolfstrike’s mentor and the deputy’s closest friend. He treated Wolfpaw cruelly, nothing she did was good enough, simply because She had kittypet blood. Deep down he felt guilty, but he never changed his ways, all to impress the deputy. At times he would go too far, injuring her in training sessions, though to Wolfpaw the pain was nothing compared to the disapproval he showed, no matter how hard she tried. He’s one of the only cats who knows the deputy killed Wolfstrike’s parents.

Former deputy

design progress: nothing

appearance: undecided, might give him curly/wavy similar like Lighpool’s?

personality : cold, judgmental, loyal, fierce, ambitious, manipulative, deceitful 

extra: The deputy who killed Wolfstrike’s parents, who is later murdered by Wolfstrike. Before his death he made many choices for the clan, as the leader was very ill, the power went to his head and he became very cruel. (Though he wasn’t the nicest cat to begin with)


🐚Silvermoon 🌑

design progress: nothing

appearance: similar to light pool, but silver fur 

personality : strict, overprotective, gentle, quiet, motherly

extra: Lightpool’s mother, she was overly protective of Lighkit, and very strict. She currently has two more kits, Owlkit (Tom) and (unnamed she kit ) 

🦉Owlkit ☘️

design progress: very old traditional sketch (needs redone)

appearance: undecided colors

personality : playful, brave, proud, curious, protective, clever, gullible, honest

extra:  nothing

Unnamed kit

design progress: very old sketch, needs redone

appearance: undecided colors

personality : quiet, stubborn, clever, playful, silly, optimistic

extra: nothing

Unnamed Deputy

design progress: traditional sketch

appearance: undecided

personality : loyal, proud, friendly, energetic, smug, charming

extra: He’s a good deputy, and popular in the clan. Unfortunately when he finds out Lightpool is part of a prophecy, destined to discover a secret which will save the clans, he isn’t the best cat. He ends up sending her on just about every patrol he can, choosing her for every gathering, seemingly expecting her to be everywhere at once, simply because he’s worried if she’s not in the right place at the right time the secret will never be discovered. When Lightpool brings this up, Or asks for a break he always dismisses her, not even considering her well-being.


design progress: nothing

appearance: redesign of This cat

personality : competitive, proud, confident, clever, sarcastic

extra: She loves Goldenheart, but the two haven’t become mates, as he is a medicine cat. She’s not super important but there’s some short comic Ides i have with her that I’d like to do


design progress: nothing

appearance: redesign of another Basilclan cat I actually never posted.. lol

personality : Gentle, friendly, honest, forgiving, kind, trusting

extra: he loves Stormheart, but the two haven’t become mates, as he is a medicine cat. He’s not super important but there’s some short comic ideas i have with him that I’d like to do.

he becomes friends with Mossclan’s medicine cat.


design progress: very old sketch, needs redrawn

appearance: brown tabby

personality :  proud, confident, rude, snarky, loyal, hardworking, witty

extra: as an apprentice was most popular of all the apprentices, many found his confidence and sense of humor charming. he was jealous of Lightpool, as her mother and father cared so deeply for her, while his Father died before he was born, and his mother was too busy grieving to pay any attention to her kits, despite how many moons had passed. He and his sister treated Lightpaw cruelly, and any apprentice who tried to defend her.

After Lightpaw is fatally injured because of him, he feels guilty and tries to make amends, Lightpaw doesn’t forgive him, and wants nothing to do with him, which makes Stoatclaw angry. The two avoid each other now, and whenever they do interact, neither are very kind.


🖤 Birchstar ☁️ 

design progress: sketch

appearance: white with black splotches, round and fluffy. neck fluff sort of shaped like a heart 

personality : friendly, wise, honest, good humored, distant

extra: not lots of story yet, but I really like him!

his warrior name was Birchheart


Submitting this now just in case i accidentally delete anything, so I won’t have to restart everything lol

haven’t checked for grammar mistakes yet :’D