Krystal Borealis-Cress (Krystal Cress [WB])


Basic Info

Key Items

Midnight's Bane Antidote


Krystalite Amaryllis Borealis-Cress



24/March 3rd (Pisces)

5ft 7in / 170cm

120Lbs / 54kg

Gray Fox

Corona City, Reverie




Gem of a Girl

Soul Affiliation | God Bond

House of Lyrical Enchantment | Seongjin, The Master of Insight

“The potential in this world is limitless… At least, it should be.”

Krys is a serious, stoic individual. Not emotionless, but not emotive either. Her voice is usually monotone and facial expressions are rare, but not unheard of. She's cautious to a fault, tending to avoid anything that could even theoretically propose a hint of danger, thus tending to avoid anything really "new" experience wise. This leads her to being appreciative and resourceful– making do with what she has whenever she has too. She's quite a talented problem solver, in that regard. Notably, while she's appreciative, she knows not everybody deserves appreciation– especially depending on what they've done. She doesn't exactly hold grudges, but she's the type to never forget. Also, thanks to her aversion to trying new things, Krys is a reserved individual– sometimes secretive. She likes to keep her distance– especially emotionally. Not everybody needs to know everything, especially if it's personal. She's very direct with her boundaries. She doesn't want pity, and doesn't want anyone outside it involved in her family's drama.

This honestly stems from her mother and other members of the Borealis clan, so there's a chance she'll open up if the right things are said. Also thanks to her upbringing, Krys is big on pacifism. She hates fighting, verbal and physical, and will avoid it if at all possible. This isn't to say she can't fight, but she rather not– and frankly isn't the best outside a support role. Lastly, her self esteem is at rock bottom. Again, her family did quite a number on her so it's hard for her to think highly of anything she is or does– even as a child, her accomplishments were written off as "expected" of a Borealis and her failures were shameful. Even with those members of the family no longer breathing down her neck, she still believes every good she does is tied down to her heritage, and all the bad is because she's just a failure. She's working on it, but it's a deep-seated issue that is not easy to vanish. However, within keeping a lot of things to herself, these more negative aspects won't interfere with the day-to-day. She's a skilled individual to have around and, once given the chance, actually quite fun to be around. Just give her a push, and you'll find a diamond in the rough.

Stats & Spells

Strength +1

Dexterity +2

Magic +3

Armor Class (10)

Weapon Proficency

Spell Slots


  • Reading & learning
  • Baseball/softball
  • Sweets
  • Technology


  • Attention/making a scene
  • Surprises
  • Seafood
  • Her mother

Weapon of Choice & Armor

Thorwing knives. (Armor not currently equiped.)

Spell 1 "Master Mind"

House of Divine Mysteries. A utility spell. Simply put, telepathy. The user can open a telepathic link in the surrounding area and invite whomever they please to it. Users are known to experience headaches because of this spell, especially if pushed to its limit. The severity depends on how long the link was open, the amount of people in the link, and/or how far the link had to reach. The user may start a new line after the previous one has been completed, even if they are (still) experiencing a headache, but said headache will increase in severity and may bleed into the following day/week. The user may be unable to use the spell for the rest of the day if the link goes on for long, includes too many people, and/or did not have substantial breaks. Other spells may destroy or otherwise disrupt the link if it is within its abilities, as well. This can be used at the same time as a telekinetic spell, but the user will be more prone to headaches and thus ill-advised. The following applies:

The user must be able to see/hear the target(s) to start, or be otherwise familiar with them if they are at a distance. Additionally, people can be added to the link after it started.

The user can start a link without permission, but cannot continue it with a target if the target rejects participating. It is a communication spell, not a mind-reading spell. Participants can leave the link at any time, but cannot rejoin without the user re-inviting the connection.

The user must also be awake to perform this spell– if they fall asleep or are put to sleep, the link is severed. Other members of the link may fall asleep, it just means the link is useless to them. It is not a dream spell, either.

The link may include as little as two (2) people, with twenty-five-to-thirty (25-30) seeming to be the standard maximum. It is recommended users do not exceed that amount and keep it around fifteen (15) for larger groups, and less is all okay.

The maximum distance a link can reach is around 100-120 meters, or 110-130 yards. However, the more people in the link the less distance it can reach. People can have the link (accidentally) severed by moving out of reach.

There is no hard time limit on the spell. It is entirely dependant on the user’s individual skill, how far the link had to reach, and how many were a part of the link. For example, a link of about fifteen (15) people in the same building, the link can last up to/around three hours before the user starts experiencing side effects. But a link of about five (5) people across a stadium may take the same amount of time before side effects occur.

Spell 2 "Helping Hand"

House of Divine Mysteries. A utility spell. Simply put, telekinesis. The user can move objects with their mind. Glowing, mostly-transparent magic hand(s) appear that “reflect the color of the user’s soul” to do so. These hands can hold target(s) much like a normal hand would, keep targets in place as a restraint, move them with relative ease, be a projectile (assistant), and similar. If used in the recommended manner, this spell can be used multiple times a day or even all day with little worry.

This spell only works on solids– liquids and gasses allude its grasp. It is recommended that the target is visible, otherwise the wrong target may be picked up by the hands (a critical success may bypasses this). If carrying the object away, the spell can only go as far as a user can see. Looking away does not change the distance and does not disrupt the spell, but may change its course if the user is not focused. This spell cannot be used while the user is asleep / put to sleep. Other spells may be able to disrupt or cancel the spell if it is within its abilities. Users are known to get headaches if they carry heavier objects for longer periods of time. This can be used at the same time as a telepathic spell, but the user will be more prone to headaches and thus ill-advised.

For Krys, here's a cheat sheet for what she can / cannot do:

Anything between 0-60lbs / 0-27kg are non-issues as single targets.

Less than 40 lbs / 18kg combined weight for multiple targets. The same weight limit applies for the hands holding herself, plus one additional target.

Anything between 61-119lbs / 28-54kg should not cause problems, unless Krystal is dealing with mental disturbances such as emotional distress or headaches.

120 lbs / 54kg and over for possible, but not recommended, targets. The hard limit is 180lbs / 82kg, but anything between that and her weight is already quite straining.. (Roll at disadvantage for at/above her weight. Roll for critical success at disadvantage for 180lbs / 82kg. Anything above 180 lbs / 82kg is impossible.)

If Krystal holds something exceeding her weight, she can do so for about 30 minutes or a maximum of 45 minutes. Afterwards, she deals with headaches.

For distance/visibility, Krystal has average eyesight, cannot see through walls (duh), and no advantage for dark-vision. As such, this spell is less effective in low-light situations, such as at night.

Helping Hands are ineffective offensively. They can only aid projectiles (roll with advantage) and rarely block, intercept, or otherwise interrupt rival projectiles (roll with disadvantage). They are for grabbing, holding, and moving– not punching and slapping. Usually.

If the hands are used as a restraint, it should be the target’s Strength or Dexterity (whatever is higher) against Krys’s Magic (+3.) If their power beats Krys, they are not restrained and cannot be for the rest of the encounter. This can be done once per combat round, or every five-ish minutes outside combat. Additionally, if the target is heavier than her, those limits apply as well, with it automatically failing if over 180 lbs / 82kg.

If she rolls a critical failure at any point, she gets a headache. If it happens again, the headache is unbearable and the spell in unusable for the rest of the day. Whatever the spell was doing or was trying to do is immediately voided. This applies if Master Mind / any of the above gave her a headache as well.

Spell 3 "Photographic Memory"

House of Lyrical Enchantment. A utility spell. If the user is exhibiting a strong emotion, they may cast this spell to have a perfect recollection of everything the event/moment in question had to offer in the future. For example, if the user had experienced fear upon getting a test back, they can recall each question’s correct answer along with everything that they saw/felt/heard in that moment. It is effective in providing information that may have previously been missed or hidden during the initial moment and quite useful for investigators. It can only be cast twice (2) to “record” and twice (2) to “recall” every day. Emotional experiences can include Joy, Sadness, Surprise, Fear, Disgust, and Anger with some variantion.

If paired with a Telepathy Spell (such as Krys’ Master Mind) while using the “recall”, the recorded memory can be shared with others in the telepathic link. Recall still has the two (2) use limit with or without sharing. Also for whatever reason, there is a camera shutter sound when this spell is used. It's fine.

Krys only recently learned this spell and has not had the chance to understand its intrigues. As such, she does not currently have anything to recall and still learning when to record. She learned it to challenge herself to better regulate and understand (her) emotions. [This is my bypass so I don’t have to vividly record pre-group events.]

Spell 4 "Stop"

Palace of Moonlit Memories. A utility spell. The user points at a target to freeze them in place. Targets can still breathe, speak, and blink but are otherwise frozen in time. Those in midair / midmovement either (gently) fall to the ground or will be automatically balanced. The user must remain still as well, if they move besides speaking / breathing / blinking the spell’s effect fades. Anyone caught in the line of sight is affected. Those who enter the user’s line of sight after it has been cast are not affected. Does not affect invisible targets. If the user breaks eye contact by looking away or closing them for at least 30 seconds, the spell ends. The spell lasts as long as the user remains still (usually a maximum of 15 minutes and an average of 10, but adjusted for RP time. About two (2) or three (3) turns in combat). Upon success, may only be cast once (1 time) a day. If a failure, the user must wait (1) turn / 30 minutes before trying again. It cannot stop the target's spells if they do not require movement/etc and may be resisted by those of greater magical ability.


Content Warnings

Bodily Mutilation/Lost of Limb, Ableism, Familial Abuse (Emotional/Mental)


Many, many years ago, there was a kitsune known by the name Aurora Borealis. She was not just a lover of magic, but a scholar of it. She has long since succumb to her mortality, but the Borealis name became storied. Nowadays, her descendants find themselves in the fields of science, technology, business, politics, and of course, magic. And while Aurora herself hoped to provide light in the darkest of circumstances… The modern Borealis Clan deals with many, many modern problems.

In the modern age, Krystalite (she much prefers Krystal or Krys) was both to Lavendra A. Borealis and Quartz Cress. Like many young girls born of the Borealis name, she was expected to achieve great things. But as child, such expectations have yet to register. Such a daunting future was distant and foreign. So, Krystal was, in fact, a child. Reckless and curious, able to cry her heart out over being denied candy, before switch to joyous laughter being read her favorite book. The future did not yet reach her, and fate led to an unexpected present. There was an accident.

All it took was a careless child and some falling rocks.

That fateful day is a blur to Krys even now. One moment she was happily exploring. The next thing she knew the sound of crashing. Pain. Then, she woke up in the hospital– and without an arm. She was only seven years old.

Understandably, Krys was traumatized by the incident. It stole away a part of her. Her behavior changed drastically and, even after years upon years of various therapy sessions, never went back to what it once was. Her parents behavior also changed and, in the case of her mother, not for the better. While she got the best hospital possible and sought out therapists almost immediately, so was also very vocal about her displeasure and disappointment in the incident. Whenever Krystal’s recovery stalled or went slower than she instructed, she was quick to claim the specialists were inept in their job and Krys was not trying hard enough.

Her schooling became a lot more strict, as well. Krys was always expected to get the best possible results, and every test and project should come back with perfection. Anything less was heavily criticized and oftentimes ridiculed. Krystal’s free time and especially hobbies were heavily regulated as well. If she found interest in something, her mother would review it to see if it was truly worth her daughter's time. Krys eventually stopped trying things because most of the time, her mother would put a stop to it anyways.

She did have some saving grace, however. Her father often took her to see his parents for a change of scenery (and to vent about his wife and get advice on how to best handle it for him and his daughter). Krystal’s favorite cousin, Sirius, often took her out to put some space between her and her mother as well. Whenever she went to the library she was left alone as well, so that space became her favorite.

Over time, especially during her teenage years, Krystal’s mother began to heavily pressure her into testing out a Borealis-developed prosthetic so she could be “sorta normal and no longer broken.” That was the last straw for her father. She temporarily moved in with her grandparents in Pliding Town after that. Life was peaceful with them, but Krys also knew it was the calm before the storm. Her parents would eventually come to an agreement, her mother would not pressure the prosthetic (for now).

Sirius once again came in for the rescue and helped Krystal set some boundaries, and pick her brain. Krys was not against the idea of a prosthetic, but she didn't like the idea of it “fixing” her. Nor was she completely comfortable with herself turning into a walking advertisement for her family and their (various) businesses, too. She also knew it could be a PR incident if she wore anyone else's.

Eventually, the family settled on the following terms. Krys would occasionally help the developmental process of Borealis Prosthetic and test them out, but would not be forced to wear it. Lavendra will take time away from her daughter and (estranged) husband, but will not agree to a divorce or be denied time with her daughter. Quartz would give Lavendra one last chance, and if she crosses the line with Krys again that was it. Sirius and a few of Krys other cousins would be a mediator should anything occur.

Finally an adult with some independence, Krys started looking toward the future. She spent her time between her grandparents in Pliding, and the City she grew to know. Her mother, while not very motherly, did not (yet) cause further incidents. Though, she was prone to ignoring her, for better and worse. Eventually, Krystal started working at the library she loved so much, and contributed to the family as a scholar. And has been doing so for a number of years now. Family events were not exactly smooth. Her parents spoke the bare minimum to each other and did not bother to even pretend to get along in public. But her life finally had the bare minimum of stability, and while not happy… She was content.

She now works on achieving that elusive happiness. Not her family, not her mother, and especially not her condition would get in the way of that. It still may be a while away, but Krys has steeled herself for that journey. After years and years, she now knows it is out there. It was just up to her to actually get it.


  • Krystal tends to hide her amputated arm with custom shirts/dresses, at first because of shame / embarrassment (brought about by her mother), but now mostly because it draws attention to herself and she likes fading into the crowd. Her therapist has suggested she try to overcome this, so she's slowly working toward letting it be out in the open. One time a kid at the library said it was cool and Krystal has been confused every since. She is, however, rather open about the circumstances around it should someone ask (again, usually kids). Said amputation is above the elbow (transhumeral).
  • She does, in fact, own a prosthetic now but has only worn it a limited number of times and on very special occasions.
  • She will openly call her mother a bitch. She has also blocked her number before and, nowadays, often leaves her on read.
  • She tends to only go by Krystal Cress as she finds her full name to be a bit much, and she tries to distance herself from the family as much as she can. Though, nonetheless consider herself a part of it.
  • She's pop culture blind, thanks to her mom sheltering her in her youth and not having the desire to “catch up” in adulthood because she's a busy adult now. Sirius (her favorite cousin) has brought her to movie nights and game nights, but she has no knowledge beyond whether she enjoyed it or didn't and usually can't even recall titles/names.
  • She always knows what time it is even without looking at a clock.
  • She is, perhaps surprisingly, a sports fan. Though, not a hardcore one. Her favorite is baseball.
  • She was originally right-handed but had to develop into being left-handed. Her handwriting is unbelievably messy and she blames losing her arm for that, but even her father and Sirius disagrees.
  • While her Borealis side of the family favor the Gods of Grand Palace of Astral Harmony and House of Divine Mysteries, her paternal side favors the House of Roaring Tempest. She personally leans towards the House of Divine Mysteries.
  • Voiceclaim is Cristina Valenzuela.
  • Krystal's favorite colors is a tie between green and purple. The flower most associated with her is Amaryllis. The stone most associated with her is Smoky Quartz.
  • She's asexual and aromantic.

Name Meaning

Krystalite is a particular fancy version of “Crystal,” a clear gemstone who’s driven word means “Ice.” Krystal and Krys are shorter versions of it, and her grandparents like calling her Kryssie. Amaryllis is a flower, as a name it means “to sparkle” and in the language of flowers is means “pride, strength and determination.” Borealis is driven from the Aurora Borealis, or the Northern Lights, and Cress means “Atop a Hill”



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

Andreia Rivera-Cres Paternal Grandmother

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

Zicorn Cress Paternal Grandfather

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

Miriam Sin Long Lost Cousin?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

Aurora Borealis Distant Ancestor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.