.Chance Nolan King.



6 years, 3 months ago



"An E T E R N I T Y with Y O U...is all I A S K"

Name: Chance Nolan King | Nickname: Kiki (given by his brother Riley; reasons unknown) | Species: Humanoid > Shape-Shifter > Vampire | DOB: May 30th | DOD: December 31st | Age: Immortal > turned at the age of 25 | Height: 5’11” | Weight: 185lbs. | Eye Color: Golden Brown (natural) > Red (when feeding or angered) | Sex/Gender: Male/Male | Sexual Orientation: Homosexual | Love Interest: Alexander | Status: Single | Family: Terri (eldest sister; deceased), Riley (older brother), Neil (Father; deceased), Mona (Mother; deceased) | Sire: Marcus Jull Ramos | Best Friend(s): Alexander, Kenny | Close Friends: Damien, Shylo | Demeanor: Understanding, Protective, Loyal, caring, charming, watchful, sometimes down on himself | Pets: King (Maine Coon; gift from Marcus) , Kronos (blue-nose pitbull; gift from Riley)

Personality: Chance can be all over the place but ultimately he is a calm individual, sees the beauty in the world around him and is creative. He loves animals and enjoys taking pictures on scenery and landscapes. He's also a well-rounded Vampire for his age and doesn't normally lash out at others, but if it comes to someone who's important to him, that's a whole other story. He can be easily angered at those points and lashes out with physical intent. But it rarely bothers him enough to put his hands on someone else. He's passive aggressive and tends to make snarky remarks and is very sarcastic. He enjoys life much more now that he is a Vampire.
Appearance: Tall, Toned and can Hold his own in a fight. The natural color of his eyes are a Golden Brown, they turn Blood Red when he's feeding or Angered in someway, they also turn Crystal Blue when he is upset. Sometimes all three colors can be seen in his eyes for a slit second when he's thinking about things that upset him but remains sad and content at the same time. He's got large scars across his chest, left arm and on his left hip from the Werewolf attack that ultimately had him turned into a Vampire. Even after he had been turned it was touch and go for a bit, as the wounds never healed properly. His piercings consist on small gauges in both earlobes with 1 back ring in each ear. He's also got a septum, a stud in his left nostril angel bites, ad two sets of snakebites, his tongue and an eyebrow bar in his left eyebrow. Most of his piercings are optional but his double snakebites are not.

Background: Growing up was pretty normal, he went to school, had lots of friends and a good home life. With that being said his eldest sister, mother and father were killed in a terrible traffic accident. While he and his older brother Riley were at their grandparents for the week. It happened so suddenly that shortly after his grandparents took custody of the brothers raising them the best they could. After graduating High School his bother went off for a while, not really keeping in touch with him which he found odd as the two grew extremely close after the death of their immediate family.  By this time Chance was out on his own, living with friends and working fulltime at a skate shop, making custom stickers, decals and managing the store. On the night his brother walked in was a welcome sight but he quickly realized Riley wasn't the same as he had been before...he had fangs and red eyes in place of his gentle hazel eyes. He was a Vampire....Not long after Chance was walking home from work on night after a late one as he was filling a custom order for a pretty well known up-coming skater in his town when he turned down a path he would normally take to get home. He then heard a low growling, stabbing pain in his chest and then...blackness. When he awoke he had been taken to Markus' estate, the man that had turned his bother, it was then he realized he too was a Vampire...

Extra Info: He hardly remembers anything from being attacked, the only things he remembers is the Wolf's eye color and that she was unmistakably female...