Splinter Storm



10 months, 28 days ago

Basic Info


She was best friends with Chem for almost her entire life, they would practice and sing together and were supposed to be a duo act. She relied on him to make it big, simply piggybacking off of what he earned. She was talented, but she wasn't good enough. Chem was better than her, in every way. She was angry about that, angry at Chem. She thought that she deserved better and eventually was dropped from the duo act for Chem to continue on, as a solo artist. She let her anger and jealously fester, she couldn't understand why Chem was picked over her, she didn't notice that he was picked because he was mellowed out and easy to exploit. As her mental health deteriorated, so did her sanity. Eventually, she had to snap. She got it into her head that getting rid of Chem would mean she could take his place. She made the plan, cornered him in an alleyway, and attempted to kill him. She didn't understand why Chem hugged her, she couldn't fathom as to how he still thought of her as a friend after all this time. She shoved Chem off of her, and ran, leaving her weapon on the ground. Chem never saw her again. Splinter's mental health didn't get better but she never let herself try it again.






Relationships -

Chem - They were best friends, she relied on him for everything, despite believing it was the other way around. She went to him for sympathy when things went wrong and they were her fault. She leaned on him for support but never offered any back to Chem. Chem lost contact with her soon after he started making it big, due to his lack of time, this caused Splinter's deterioration, she felt abandoned. She knew what Chem did in order to get those shows for them, and eventually just for himself, and it made her so angry that he could get away with anything because he had a pretty face.

Cherry - Cherry hired Splinter because Chem wouldn't do it without her. She never really bonded with him, she could tell that he favored Chem over her. Cherry didn't mean to be hostile to her but Splinter thinks that it was his decision to drop her from the team. Cherry and Splinter are supposed to be parodies of each other. They were both people that wanted to make it big in the field but failed. Cherry took the failure with stride and decided to move into managing for a popstar rather than being the popstar. Splinter let her resentment for her own failure fester inside of her until she snapped.

Peach - Peach was always nice to her, offering for her to come over to dinner with her, Cherry, and Chem. Splinter always refused. Splinter didn't want anything to do with him and saw their sweetness as pity. Peach stopped trying after a while.

Fun Facts! -

She was the one that got Chem into smoking.

She gets into fights a lot more nowadays, she has been thrown over many bar counters. Chem used to be there to calm her down and defuse the situation

Her and Chem did each others tattoos

She smells heavily of cheap liquor and cigarettes.

She drives a red motorcycle

Voice claim is Claudia also from The Dragon Prince, and a little bit of Jack the Stripper

Pinterest for outfits!