Nash (Ignacio Uziel)



11 months, 17 days ago


General Information:

  • Full Name: Ignacio Octordle Uziel
  • Nickname(s): Nash
  • Age: Early 20s-ish in elf years (a young adult) 
  • Gender: Guy with transgender swag
  • Pronouns: He/They
  • Sexuality: men 
  • Place of Birth: Taurin City, Olzaria
  • Date of Birth: December 14th 
  • Star Sign: Sagittarius 
  • Species/Race: Wood Elf
  • Class: Rogue Thief
  • Occupation: Past castle worker (personal servant and then library attendant)
  • Status: Alive


  • Height: 5'10 (178 cm)
  • Weight/Build: Slight build, functionally muscular but thinner looking. Very Good Posture
  • Skin Color: Pale with a slightly greenish undertone but mostly just pale
  • Hair Color: Dark green
  • Hair Style: Dark green, mostly straight with slight waves that goes to around mid back length with long bangs that completely cover his eyes. Frequently worn down or in a half up style, slightly messy.
  • Eye Color: Dark green :)
  • Clothing: A knee length cloak that is black with a greenish hue in direct sunlight with a hood and black metal clasps on the front, dark brown trousers with a leather book holder/pouch attached to his belt, as well as some other smaller pouches, a worn and slightly oversized long sleeve cotton shirt with a v neckline that dips low on his chest, black work boots, and black fingerless cotton gloves that tuck under his sleeves and stop just before his elbows. 
  • Accessories: Small metal earrings (2 lobe on both, single helix on left double on right), book and book pouch, satchel
  • Scars: large deep scars on his arms and legs that he hides under his clothes, small scars and scrapes around his body from general travel, large burn scar on his face (around his left eye/center) that is always hidden by his bangs
Other Information:
  • Likes: Poetry, horses, lively people, safety
  • Dislikes: Personal questions, stealing
  • Hobbies: Writing, drawing, stealing 
  • Habits: Doing other peoples tasks if they step away from them, cleaning without noticing, twirling his pencil
  • Goals: To find somewhere safe to settle down, to find people he trusts. most of all to keep himself and the people he cares about alive.
  • Fears: dying, going home, dying 
  • Trivia: i love him 
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Enneagram: 2w1
  • Personality: Takes great pride in doing things for others, diligent, resilient, understands high society but doesnt engage with it, lies to protect peoples identity often, and when they think its funny, responsible in head/planned tasks, irresponsible and slightly impulsive in heart tasks.


Ignacio Octordle Uziel almost died on a cold winter night in the depths of a rich monarch’s castle while being born to a wealthy and horrid queen. The queen gave birth to fraternal twins, the picture of health who she named Sinclair, and the silent, fearfully still, smaller than average baby the doctor and midwife claimed was a stillborn. Not finding any signs of life, she ordered her servants to dispose of the body and care for Sinclair in his infancy. Her midwife took Sinclair and handed off the second baby to a fellow midwife, Agnes. She mourned the baby as she took it to be burned as she had been trying to have a baby for  the last many years. She said her goodbye prayer over the body before moving to throw it in the fire, but before she could, a resounding cry came from his tiny lungs. The queen ordered the baby to be thrown away and since she already had an heir due to her other baby Agnes felt no guilt in taking the child for her own. She smuggled the child to her husband, Jacob, a fellow servant who worked in the king’s quarters, and named him Ignacio, for the fire he was almost killed in. 

This royal family ruled with an iron fist and very deep pockets to boot. They stole money with taxes and fees at random, penalizing their citizens for everything from opening a shop, to standing on a street corner, to being a day late with their farming, to being gay not adhering to strict social rules set by the castle. The past rulers had not been so strict but the last 3 kings took advantage of their position and made living in their vast kingdom a living hell. Only the nobles and those within the castle walls could keep any ounce of wealth in the last 200 years. The countrymen grew frustrated and knew in their hearts the only way out was to overthrow those in power. The only thing stopping them was the promise of ruin. The kingdom was founded many, many years ago with a prophecy, more of a spell than anything but with so many years passed it was no more than rumor to any regular civilians, as long as there is a direct royal heir, the kingdom will be prosperous and physically stable, falling into famine and destitution if the royal bloodline dies. 

Only the highest servants knew this prophecy to be true, lower servants and countrymen thought it only a myth, and so when the citizens of the capital city started forming a resistance to overthrow the king and queen, Jacob and Agnes dissuaded them from killing all of the royals, convincing the leaders that the prophecy is true and should they not want to starve worse than they already are, they should keep one royal alive. Fond of their own son, they supplied the Prince, Sinclair, as the one they should save and because the promise of keeping him as a prisoner was so enticing, they agreed. While the resistance was trying their best to stay alive while using their free time to gain traction and members, Ignacio was growing up in the castle. The signature green of the royal family’s hair and eyes was noticeable on Ignacio, forcing his parents to keep his hair covered or color it with natural dyes during his youth. Ignacio, nicknamed Nash by the prince and his fellow servants, lived the high life of the lowest degree, literate only so he could sort books in the library and strong and well fed only to be strong enough for his servant duties. Once he was old enough to hold a tray, he was placed with his father in the king's quarters, and as Prince Sinclair aged and needed a play partner, Nash filled that role as well. Sinclair was a stuck up but ultimately harmless child who just wanted to play in the small back garden of the castle with Nash, both feeling a sense of familiarity but neither knowing the truth. 

When Nash and Prince Sinclair had just turned 8 (in elf years), the first coup was carried out. Nash was ordered by Jacob to take the prince and play in their secret garden until dinner, keeping them out of the castle while the resistance stormed the doors and attempted to kill even one member of the royal family. However, their force was too small and ill equipped to take on the royal guards, and was quickly snuffed out with only one royal dying. The castle claimed it was of old age to minimize the impact of the attack and killed or captured all members of the resistance. They transferred all servants to the highest members of the royal family away, keeping only their most trusted servants, namely Nash and Jacob among a few others. Broken from the deaths of those they tried to help, and jaded from their treatment as Nash grew older and they were all forced to take on more work to make up for the lessened help,  Jacob and Agnes spent the next 10 (elf) years slowly breaking the living coup members out of the dungeon and getting more of a following behind the resistance so their next attempt would be more successful. 

With tensions rising and the view of the royal family getting worse by the day, Jacob found it harder and harder to convince the resistance to spare the prince, especially since the prophecy was mostly fake to anyone outside the castle. Knowing no one was going to show Sinclair any amount of kindness, Jacob and Agnes told Nash the truth about his birth on his and Sinclair’s 15th (in elf years) birthday. Nash was overcome with joy, the boy he has been best friends with was his brother! And a royal! He ignored the explanation of why he was told and why he wasn’t to tell anyone, instead rushing to Sinclair and spilling his guts to his closest friend about their newfound familial bond, and was, naturally, met with nothing but scorn. Who was a servant to be telling a prince they are related, what kind of shit is that? Nash was ordered to stay in the dungeon for the night and was redirected to library duty under another servant, Porter, the day after instead of going up to the prince’s room. He had been transferred away because Sinclair was at his core, a merciful teenager, and didn’t want him wasting in the dungeon for insulting him like so many other servants had. 

3 more (elf) years pass of Nash never seeing the prince, knowing about the coup and finally understanding what he was meant to do and why he was told about his brother in the first place. The second coup took place during the night after the prince’s 18th (in elf years) birthday celebration, Nash sneaking up to Sinclair’s room to try and get him to follow to the secret garden to keep him safe. Naturally it doesn't work and the prince orders his guards to jail him. The coup starts on his way down to the dungeon and he is almost killed in the crossfire of the bows and countrymen running into the castle, downing guards and sparing servants where they were able. They managed to get to everyone except, ironically, the Prince, who went to sit in the garden and think after sending Nash away. 

Sinclair still being alive meant after the guards took down the bulk of the resistance, they still answered to him. He singled out Jacob and Agnes as the masterminds behind the operation with what Nash had said, and ordered them to be hanged for their crimes, even if it was the last thing he did as prince. Nash ran to him and groveled, apologizing for being involved and begging for him to spare them. This enraged Sinclair, with his parents killed he didn’t see why Nash’s shouldn’t be too. The disrespect he felt at Nash’s request for mercy took over the prince as he grabbed a torch from the wall and threw it at Nash’s face, an eye for an eye as they say. Then, on Sinclair’s orders, the guards beat him, took him deep into the woods, tied him to a tree and slashed him up so flies and animals would find their way to him easily. Giving him an undignified and painful death at the hands of nature itself. Meeting his death bloodied and burned. Nash, powered by brotherly love, the need to clear his name, and a very small will to live, tore himself up getting out of his binds, leaving deep scars on his arms and legs, escaping his death a second time. He hobbled back to the city, meeting members of the resistance along the way, who took him to the castle to show his triumph over the prince’s wish for his death.

Before he could get to the castle, one of the guards they had gotten to work for them on the inside said that Nash was an enemy of the resistance since he had attempted to help the prince escape. The resistance turned on him immediately and Porter McCohck, who had worked with Nash in the library, said he would take him in and keep him prisoner in his home while the rest of the resistance moved on the prince. They believed him and after he had Nash in his home he cared for his wounds and gave him a fresh set of clothes. He gave Nash one of his horses and sent him off with a band of merchants that were leaving town, so he could slip away without being killed, as a debt to Nash’s parents for their insider information. He told the resistance he escaped and stole his horse and clothes so he would not be named a traitor as well and thus shows the issue Nash is now faced with. 

He cannot go back to the castle as he is an enemy of Prince Sinclair and will be hanged if they find him. He cannot go back to the resistance because he helped a member of the royal family, making him a traitor who will be similarly killed if they find him. Since he left before the resistance attempted to kill the prince again he doesn’t know if he is still alive, but he knows the kingdom is still standing because technically he, the only other blood heir, is still alive. So his main objective now is to stay alive long enough to allow the prince to have a child, if he is alive at all, and if he isn’t alive it is up to him to find someone he trusts and make one himself. Keeping the kingdom safe from certain doom if he dies or if he entrusts the wrong person and they hurt him. 

For now however, he has let his hair grow long and its natural color over his face to hide his burns, he still has the cloak his fellow servant gave him when he escaped, and though he is now simply traveling, he is always trying to find a community he can trust, to save the kingdom and himself.