Rolant pyr Calestera



9 months, 27 days ago

Basic Info






A Decurio of the Garlean military, Rolant deserted alongside his cousin Janaeus from the XIVth Legion when it was obvious they no longer had the support of their homeland. For all his loyalty to Garlemald, Rolant had no desire to die, be captured, or waste away on a base for a cause that gained the Empire nothing. What was a land of savages crawling with primals anyway? While he hesitated to take Janaeus with him, his need to look out for his younger cousin, as he ever did, won out and he convinced Janaeus to come with him. Their plan was to make their slow way back to Garlemald and their family and hope for the best, though fear of punishment and dishonor hung heavy over them both. In the end, they fell to distraction and decided to delay their homecoming until better tidings from Garlemald, staying low and separating for a time, though Rolant was loathe to let Janaeus out on his own. Rolant made his way to Ul'dah, to make use of his skill with a sword among the gladiators.

The Calestera family has for several generations now been a mix of elezen and Garlean, resulting in traits of either popping up at random throughout the line. While Rolant clearly takes after the elezen side, he has the pureclood third eye. He keeps it hidden under his bangs.

Having lived the military life for years now, Rolant is experienced and disciplined, though he has his own brand of playfulness, especially around his cousin. While skilled with the sword and shield, his prefered weapon is the gunblade.