Basili, Dragon of Distraction



10 months, 13 days ago


       *This character does not exist in the current DNB: CR timeline, but they still belong to the au in general*

Basili is a peculiar creature, sporting a multitude of appendages—an extra pair of legs on her dorsal side, with another set just behind her forelimbs. These specific appendages usually do not touch the ground when walking or running.

Despite her size, Basili is quick on her feet with equally quick thinking to match. She gets impatient rather easily and will make it known with her (often disruptive) telepathic abilities, at the displeasure of others—And as she lacks the ability to verbally speak, telepathy is one of her primary ways of communicating apart from body language. She is also naturally curious, always gathering and storing whatever information she hears or sees—albeit this sometimes leads her to be a bit nosey unintentionally. However, she can be pleasant to be around, if you happen to strike a chord with her. She’s very talkative!