


11 months, 11 days ago


During a quest in Magical Meadow, (a mobile game similar to Smurfs' Village) Smurfette gets hate mail from a fairy princess who's jealous of her good looks. Smurfette says that she's tried sending her flowers, kind words, and telling her she's beautiful.

Later, another smurf reads a new letter from the princess, which says she's going to turn Smurfette into a newt. Smurfette's plan is to make herself ugly by putting blueberries on her teeth, and carrots in her hair (crops which you have to grow).

So here's my fairy princess OC based on that scenario. She has a bad temper, and often uses her magic to turn others into animals or bugs when they annoy her. The spell always wears off within a week, however.

She has a hard time keeping friends because of her behavior, and is extremely lonely. Smurfette is the first person who shows her kindness instead of resentment, and her sweet personality starts to have a positive effect on Cassidy.

Voice Actor: Rebeka Thomas

Love Interest: Smurfette

Daughter: Trixie

Ex Girlfriend: Bramble