


11 months, 19 days ago


Plants are like emotions each one needs different care.
He / Him
Sep. 11
Just a introverted guy who has a LGBTQ Bar.


Jasper is a sweet boy with a soft heart. He currently owns and runs a LGBTQ friendly bar, while his only employees are himself, Rea, and Alex he makes due. He will swear up and down that he doesn't want a boyfriend or fling in his life, but will ogle at almost anyone who walks through and catches his eye. Talking to them is a different story, Jasper is a super introverted Kiamara at heart and couldn't dare speak up about his feelings. Instead he goes home and assigns those emotions to his many house plants. Plants are easier than people ya know, at least that's what he thinks. When his time is not being eaten by his bar he spends a massive amount of little free time he has propagating and taking cuttings of some of the more rare specimens he's collected to sell for a bit of pocket change and or trade for even more plants.


Jasper is an introvert through and through. He's quiet and keeps to himself, large crowds oftentimes disway and drain him. To recharge he goes home and tends to his garden and listens to lofi music or reads books. Surprisingly though it doesn't matter how drained he may seem he always has time for his friends even if that means going out and socializing more. This lends to him being a bit of a people pleaser, or a go with the flow kinda guy. His hobbies include plants, curating new drinks, and supporting his friends.

At work he tends to stay behind the bar and just make the drinks as his ‘employees’ do all the meeting and greeting for him. He can hold small talk for short bursts but at the end of the night he's drained and would like to just curl up in bed. On the rare chance he does have energy to socialize he's quite talkative and shows interest in almost any hobby others have and does his best to support them.

Feather Collecting
Locus Chirps
Cold Showers
All of his plants are named after emotions.
Has relly bad Dyslexia.
Hes often mistaken for a female.


Everyone has a home, some just need need more care.

Jasper hatched in the greenhouse of an abandoned and decaying cottage home, tucked among the broken pottery and rampant growing plants, morning light pouring through the broken glass walls. Calling out to anyone, not realizing that there was no one there for him, at least not yet. Making his way through the rubble and around the main floor he saw that what should be his family had undergone a fire, and that the home he was to grow up in had long since disappeared. He sat crying out, knowing at this point he was alone and probably forgotten. A good while later as the sun was setting he made his way out to the outside to watch as the house crumbled there before him. Defeated, he dropped down and cried himself to sleep. When he woke he lay in a warm sunbeam and the smell of baked goods, someone had taken him in.

Feather Quest

Jasper's feathers were no act of bravery nor were they of skill, he ended up with his once his adoptive ‘mother’ had passed. She was an elder when he was found laying in a heap of a shambled building, and took care of him till he was old enough to care for himself. Soon after though she had left this world and passed onto the other side, after the burial he started cleaning up the house and tucked away with a note were the feathers he adorns now. The note read “I know I will be missed, and you have grown so much since the kit I found you as. Take these and always remember you are loved.”


Rea Best Friend

This girl has had my back for so long. Shes the best "wingman" and support system one could ask for. Whenever i need help in the bar her and her girfriend are the first to offer a hand. While she dosent understand my love for plants, she alwyas tries to find ones i dont own.

Alex Friend

Just like Rea Alex is alwyas there for me, i mean they are one and the same for minds, but that dosent discredit the help. Alex is the more level headed of the two and is often the hard voice of reason for me. She also is trying to teach me to read more than a few words at a time.

Name Surname relationship

Nullam ac lorem sit amet urna euismod lobortis. Aenean metus justo, feugiat quis tempor vitae, imperdiet in lacus. Aliquam ac velit rutrum, elementum magna quis, euismod orci. Vestibulum suscipit fringilla turpis id semper. Ut non sagittis ligula. Duis ut eleifend nulla, sit amet luctus nisl. Pellentesque sed urna erat. Donec quis tristique neque. Quisque lobortis semper aliquet. Pellentesque semper sem nisl, id imperdiet turpis elementum et.

Name Surname relationship

Nullam ac lorem sit amet urna euismod lobortis. Aenean metus justo, feugiat quis tempor vitae, imperdiet in lacus. Aliquam ac velit rutrum, elementum magna quis, euismod orci. Vestibulum suscipit fringilla turpis id semper. Ut non sagittis ligula. Duis ut eleifend nulla, sit amet luctus nisl. Pellentesque sed urna erat. Donec quis tristique neque. Quisque lobortis semper aliquet. Pellentesque semper sem nisl, id imperdiet turpis elementum et.