Jack the Hedgehog



1 year, 2 months ago


Name: Jack Storm 

a.k.a.:  StormBreaker (Online Handle), Lightning (Nickname), 

Summary: Someone who originates from NoMo, a vigilante nomad who prowls through the streets and taking down crime and corrupted higher ups. He is ruthless and has never been caught. People hardly get a glimpse from him. But when he's not taking down foes, he is taking a stroll through towns, enjoying the sights and reflecting on life. His past is a mystery, and he likes to keep it that way. He hardly makes friends, but when he does, he keeps a close on them. Though don't get too comfy with him. He is a sly one.

Personality: He is a pretty stoic guy, often keeping his feelings to himself. He doesn't want to let his emotions get the better of him, cause when he does, it's hard for him to focus. If he gets made, he would rampage everywhere. But he's not all quiet. When he smiles, it's a very nice smile that makes you feel happy. He knows when to let his emotions go when needed. 

Sex: Male

Present Occupation: Online Streamer/Underground Hacker. He likes to live stream on the internet, usually playing games or other small activities. And when he has the time, he secretly likes to hack gaming tech, either for himself or for folks that pay good money. Either to emulate games, add features to consoles, or for plain messing around. He makes a good amount of bank and uses his extra money for collectibles. 

Currently Residing: His home is inconsistent, but he tends to stay in Westopolis cause of his friends. 





Beacon The Ant - 

Jettison The Shark - 

Holo-Niki -