


11 months, 9 days ago


Valentina (she/her), known by her friends as Val, is an inkling living in Splastville. She’s the lead singer of her band, yet to be named, and writes around half of the songs they produce. In the public eye, Val has a persona for her fans - a “take no shit” attitude absolutely brimming with sass and confidence. She wouldn’t hesitate to chew someone out for being disrespectful to her fans, friends or herself. Off-stage, Val retains the same confidence and confrontational attitude, although she’s a lot more relaxed. Although she isn’t the best at expressing that she cares, she finds her own unique way to show it. (Often, this “unique” way is simply bullying the shit out of her friends.) She‘s great at keeping her private life out of the view of the world, despite being a very public figure. 

Design wise, she’s an inkling based off of a vampire squid (Inklings are a species of humanoid squids from the game series Splatoon). For those who are unfamiliar, they are squids that evolved to take the place of humans after their extinction.  With mostly human features, these species have a “squid form” and a humanoid form. Their hair is made of their tentacles, so is glossy and solid as opposed to strands of hair. Inklings specifically have a black band between their eyes, two symmetrical upper fangs and a singular fang in the middle of their lower teeth (technically their beak). Valentina strays from the typical inkling as instead of suckers on the underside of her hair, she has spikes much like a vampire squid, and the light blue parts of her (mouth, eyes, fingers and ends of her hair) are bioluminescent.

Her favourite game mode is anarchy, and shes a god with chargers, specifically the eliter. When she isn’t using chargers, she plays with blasters.