


10 months, 28 days ago


Fescue | Tom | He/Him | Wanderer

Fescue is a long-furred gray tabby tom with broken braided tabby stripes, most notably one on his chest making somewhat of a Y shape. His fur is fluffed up and outwards, and he has dark green eyes with white only on his paws.

Fescue is clever and quite the trickster. This allows him to be able to create traps instead of having to exhaust himself of his energy and resources, making him quite the resourceful tom. He is playful and a jokester and, with the knowledge of traps, he often pranks his siblings. He's not very good at reading how others feel, and generally struggles thinking about how others feel, no matter how close he gets with them. His long legs allow him to be naturally good at running, though he wants to be good at stealth. His tall self makes that extremely hard, but he won’t give up, leaning into his strength of cleverness to learn different ways of allowing himself to be stealthy. He feels a closeness to his family, especially with his wanderer bloodline. Morally, he can be a bit gray at times, willing to leave another cat behind in order to help someone he trusts, even if the other cat is in way more danger. He isn’t willing to throw himself in front of danger for someone he doesn’t truly know. Fescue enjoys the thrill of the travel, but there is an aching feeling inside that has been there since they left the farm. He wants to find a home, not travel forever. The visits to the Clover Colony are nice, but it doesn’t feel like what he’s looking for, having a bit of a loneliness to him that he tends to laugh away.

His parents are Athen and Dandy, his adoptive parent is Ginger, his siblings are Timothy, Alfalfa and Rye

Read more about him here! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qTGb6lqOrN_7lbVtyLOEwCAh5CJTS2iOQgYDyWvQNYU/edit?usp=sharing