Guo Xinyi



1 year, 2 months ago


Lexie Liu

01 — Profile

Name 郭欣怡
Nicknames Xin Xin
Age 18
Gender Female (she/her)
Height 5'2"
Birthdate June 1st
Ethnicity Hui Chinese
Orientation Lesbian
Occupation Magical girl

Status Forever homed
Designer 12am
Worth $$$
  • Stands at 5'2" (157 cm) and weighs about 150 lb (68 kg).

  • Please do not draw her thin—she's meant to be fat.

  • Has a round face and plump cheeks.

  • Do not draw her with a prominent nose bridge or exaggerated slanted eyes.

  • She has a slight nose bump.

  • Eyes can be drawn with white pupils. She also has double eyelids.

  • Feel free to draw her in different outfits!

  • Her hair can be styled in any way.

02 — Personality

A cheerful and upbeat person, Xinyi is always willing to crack a joke or strike up a conversation with someone new. She tries to assist her friends and family however she can, often to the point of being a bit overbearing. Although she does her best to stay optimistic, she is still a teenager at the end of the day—one who is deeply uncertain about her future and is also struggling to juggle her parent's expectations alongside her new responsibilities as a magical girl.

  • The color pink

  • Sewing her own clothes

  • Sweet foods

  • Cats

  • Math

  • Cigarette smoke

  • Hard-boiled eggs

  • Cold weather

03 — Background


Xinyi was born in Luoyang, China to a middle-class couple who owned a small convenience store. Growing up, she was often left in the care of her grandmother while her parents were working, and the two grew very close. Her interest in sewing and fashion first arose from watching her grandmother create handmade clothing. At the age of eight, her younger sister and brother were born. Her childhood was fairly typical—Xinyi's parents, while busy people, did their best to spend as much time with her as they could.


Xinyi's middle and high school years were mostly filled with stress as she prepared to take the high school entrance examination, then the gaokao. Around this time, her relationship with her parents became increasingly strained. As the first member of her family to attend college, she was already being pressured to enter a career path that would provide her with a stable income, despite the fact that her true passion lay with fashion design.


After taking the gaokao, Xinyi was accepted into Xi'an Jiaotong University, where she currently studies mechanical engineering (against her will). One day, she stumbled upon an injured cat on the side of the road and decided to nurse him back to health. Much to her shock, the cat thanked her for her help, explaining that he was an immortal being who had been searching for someone to help defend Xi'an from the magical threats encroaching on the city. Touched by her kindness, he gifted Xinyi her weapon, allowing her to utilize her magic to its fullest extent. She named him Zhima, and he now serves as a sidekick of sorts.

With Zhima's assistance, Xinyi now works to protect the city from Wraiths—supernatural creatures who are invisible to normal humans but whose presences cause physical illness and despair.

04 — Trivia

  • Her Arabic name is Sidra Kamaruddin (سدرةقمر الدين).

  • Xinyi's roommate once made a bet that she wouldn't be able to wear pink for an entire year and was quickly proven wrong.

  • Has a huge sweet tooth. Her favorite food is tangyuan (glutinous rice balls).

  • Loves to sew and often creates her own clothes/outfits. If it was up to her, she would probably be a fashion major.

  • Her weapon is a huge needle and thread that she wields like a sword.

  • Her voice claim is Su Ruiqi.

05 — Relationships

friend / teammate

The two of them originally started out as reluctant coworkers. Xinyi was annoyed by Candy's lackadaisical attitude, while Candy found her too scrupulous and uptight. Eventually, however, they began to grow closer and view each other as more of a tight-knit team. Candy does its best to encourage her to let loose and have fun every once in a while.


Xinyi has a strained relationship with her parents, who have her best interests in mind but also haven't fully allowed her to live her own life yet. She feels as though she constantly has to pretend to be someone she isn't in order to appease them, which only contributes to her ever-mounting stress.