Basic Info


Selene Fotiá


The Phoenix








5'7 ft / 1.70 m


6' 2 ft / 1.88 m


Soldier for The RHS



Sembla Affinity:




Selene was originally from Greece and doesn’t seem to have any knowledge or memories of her family. Thus she had been in and out of the system quite often. From what info was gathered about Selene. She was often on the streets and later on in life had joined a notorious criminal group, they promised her safety provided she worked for them.

Of course one day something went wrong and the young woman found herself in the hands of the law. Luckily for Selene, one of the undercover members of The Red Hood Society saw potential in her and informed the leader, Lycan, about the person.

Lycan bailed her out under the condition she’d work for The Red Hood Society. Selene surprisingly didn’t put up any sort of a fight and willingly went along with Lycan. Once she arrived at the RHS headquarters she underwent training to be one of the agents as well as lived in the facility where she also underwent schooling and everything else relating to human development and needs.

Now Selene is one of the best agents the RHS could have, especially during the current crisis that is happening in the world…


Selene is described as a very quiet and reserved person who tends to keep herself. very focused on whatever task/activity she is working on. Compared to her past self who was very rebellious and very rowdy, she became a very calm and calculated person with a good head on her shoulders. To add onto this Selene does devote herself to what she does, and is an extremely loyal and courageous person. When it comes to people she appears to be an empathetic person who cares deeply for others, she would do anything for her loved ones.


Lycan - Selene owes a lot to Lycan considering he was the one who provided her a new life where she not only gets to help people but has a home that she considers to be her safe haven. Asides from this Selene often looks up to him and respects him a lot. Though often worries about him since he has taken the loss of his child pretty hard.

Astrophel - She trusts Astrophel a lot, he is an omni who sought out The RHS to inform them what he knows about the current dangers Earth currently faces. 

Olive Nik - Selene finds Olive to be an utter annoyance. The two often butt heads because of their dislike for one another...though, she won't admit it but in her own way she does care for him and trusts him a whole lot, kind of like a little brother.

Vera Mácha - She finds Vera to be a wise and graceful woman. Like with the rest of her team she also has a high sense of trust in her as well as having a whole lot of respect for the woman. Perhaps also looks up to her as well.


  • Selene's weapon of choice is a handmade flamethrower she created during her time in The RHS. Though if that doesn't work she's also pretty handy with daggers.
  • Her last name is based off of the greek word "φωτιά" [Fotiá] meaning fire.
  • Her favorite story is "The Golden Bird".
  • The coat she wears was given to her by Lycan.
  • The necklace she wears is the only thing she has connected with her biological family.
  • Doesn't sleep much due to nightmares she has, so typically it's normal to see her awake at odd hours, normally working.
  • [TBA]