DUKE's Comments

If you do ping love to be added to ping list

I'll make sure to ping ya if they ever go up for offers ^^ 

Idk how to ping peeps, but this guy is up for offers (preferably character offers) ^^ 

Anybody in my UFO folder !!

I didn't see anyone, I apologize :( 

Can even do custom

Does anyone in my whole th interest you?

I’d also love to be pinged if ever ufo if that’s fine haha

No problem ^^

Idk how to ping peeps, but this guy is up for offers (preferably character offers) ^^ 

Would someone of similar value in ufo/s folder interest you? :0 might be picky depending who though ^^;

I didn't see anyone, I apologize ^^;

Cool design alert !! Could I get a ping if they’re ever ufo?

Of course! ^^


Idk how to ping peeps, but this guy is up for offers (preferably character offers) ^^ 

Heya dude, idk if you do ping lists, but if you do, could you put me on one for this bab!!

Oh for sure!!

Thank you very much!!

Idk how to ping peeps, but this guy is up for offers (preferably character offers) ^^ 

If you take PayPal I could do £70

I'll think on it ^^ 

7 Replies

SB omfg I love





closing here! dm me on insta :D