
11 months, 1 day ago



"Tiefe Wasser sind nicht still..."
Name [Lochs Einsamkeit]
Name Pronunciation [Luh-ocks]
Species [Kelpie--appears as a Percheron horse]
Age [Over 500--appears 45]
Gender [Nonbinary]
Pronouns [They/them/theirs]
Orientation [Asexual]
Occupation [Bog guardian]
Residence [The Black Forest, Germany]
Status [Single]
Design Notes
  • Three white hooves/feet
  • Weeds wound throughout mane and tail
  • Very long mane and tail
  • White markings blend into deep gray main coat
  • Eyes are deep blue-green

Lochs is initially stern and solemn. To those who would threaten their forest or otherwise have ill will in mind, they are relentlessly ferocious. However, towards innocent souls, they are nurturing and protective. It is definitely better to be on Lochs' good side--their bad side is a formidable thing to behold. Theme song: Rammstein--Rosenrot:


Lochs has lived in the Black Forest since time immemorial--their species' task is to guard the forest from interlopers. For centuries, Lochs carried out this endeavor alone, content with their lot, but wishing for company. Recently, however, circumstances have brought them several comrades, and they are enjoying having others to converse with. Lochs' friends, in turn, are pleased to have a new companion whose wisdom they can draw upon.


Gnade is the former bearer of the moon, who came to settle in Lochs' forest following his exile from the heavens. Lochs quickly welcomed Gnade to their home and developed an affinity for him. Gnade is wise, patient, and thoughtful, which has led Lochs to bond with him. For his part, Gnade feels a deep kinship with Lochs, and often goes to them for advice.


Sage is a witch who fled to Lochs' forest after being persecuted by her town's elders. She is reserved at first, but ultimately caring, protective, and brave. Lochs sees much to admire in Sage, and thus takes extra care to look after her. Sage appreciates Lochs' efforts in this regard, and feels safe knowing that they are on her team.


Schoenheit is Lochs' friend Gnade's adopted son, and so Lochs has known him from his childhood. He has always been free-spirited and strong-willed, and his family at times relied upon Lochs to keep him in line when he was a child! As Schoenheit has grown, however, his energy has leveled out, much to Lochs' relief. Nowadays, there is mutual respect between the two, with Lochs helping Schoenheit to build upon his magical powers.


Mei is the being who has taken over Lochs' friend Gnade's position as the bearer of the moon, and she has come to Lochs' forest to seek Gnade's guidance, leading her to become acquainted with Lochs by extension. She is a bubbly optimist who rarely meets an enemy and is full of energy! At times, Lochs can be a bit overwhelmed by her constant questions and observations. However, they recognize that she is a kind soul who means well, and so she is within their good graces.


Aurora at one time worked with Lochs' friend Gnade, and came to know Lochs when she ventured to earth to find Gnade in the hopes of restoring his honor. Lochs saw right away that Aurora had a pure heart, and so they took her under their wing. Aurora is kind, but it would be unwise to mistake her kindness for weakness--she is a very powerful lady! She sees these parallels to her own nature in that of Lochs, and thus has become fond of them.