
1 year, 2 months ago


backstory:years ago a villain murdered his while he was at a firends house when he called his family to pick him up they never awserdhe was 11 years old whwn this happend).and from then he's going form foster home to foster home constantly going to a different home till he was 18.Some of the foster homes he's been at where abousive or neglectful And growing up he was quite a truble maker due to the lose of his family. he has been to nice foster homes to but he was just too much for them or lost thier home :(.The longest he's stayed in a foster home was 2 years with a single mom and her 12 year girl(he was 16 at the time) the girl and him didn't get along great but he cared dearly for her and the mom lost the house due to not enough money so the girl was sent to her grandparents and he was back at the foster home.When he was 20 he meet the person who killed his family he tried killing them but was unscussful and almost died himself, he was left with a scar on his face in witch is why he never takes off his mask even when he's off duity..,only time he has it off is at his job and when it gets Walsh.

 ------------------ he is 37 years old -----------------

personality: For the most part he's rude asf but once he warms up to the person he's more nicer! He still a little mean once you get to know him but he's not a toally dick