Funaha Yusho



11 months, 11 days ago


Name: Funaha / フナハ

First name: Yūshō / 優勝

Pronouns : He/his but he don't care

Family: Unknown

Age: 18

Date of birth: July 26, 2102

Astrological sign: Scorpio

Height: 160cm

Sexual orientation: Pansexual

School: None

Blood group: O+

mutation : red eyes

Power of birth: hairs (grow and control his hair at will)

Power Received: None

Villain Name: Red

He's crazy. 

Hemophilic, his parent locked him in a cage all his life to "protect him". He finally used his power to break his cage and killed both his parents. He have been found by Phantom and finally join Lord. But he don#t like him.

He's obsessed by everything red, especially blood.

He's going to fell heels over head for Nanaya. Calls him "Honey" or "Hun"

Phantom and Viper take great care of him.

He likes when Phantom comb his hairs.

He ask sometimes Viper to makeup him.

He like climbing on Static and hiding under his coat.

He loves hugging everyone

I totally imagine him with the same voice/laugh than Floyd Leech (Twsited wonderland)

His favorites animals are .... anything red

His favorite flavor are cherry, strawberry and tomato

His favorite color is red, of course

Tiktoks about him

-Never hurt me again

-Ara ara

-Mocking bird

-Place your trust in me


"What is makeup?"

Red had suddenly broken the silence that had reigned in the foyer since Meltdown left. He straightened up and sat cross-legged on the couch.
Phantom picked up his daughter, not without thanking Viper, and walked over to sit with her across from the young man.

"It's for the girls," Phantom explained, "they use it to make themselves look even prettier."

Red frowned, confused.

"Why girls only?" he asked. "Can't boys be pretty too?"
"I want makeup! Hey Sumira-chan! Do you want to do my makeup? You will learn on me!"