


11 months, 10 days ago




"In the darkest of times, loyalty shines the brightest." - Arlo

Name: Arlo


Age: 30

Gender: Male (FtM)

Orientation: Pansexual
Species: Human

Height: 157cm, 5.1 ft

Occupation: Warmason

Origin: Zaun

Residence: Noxus Prime, Noxus

🥊 Personality 🥊

Arlo is a determined and resilient individual from Zaun, the City of Iron and Glass. They grew up protecting their siblings and their father, developing basic self-defense skills. After being separated from their family by Noxian soldiers, Arlo rised the ranks up to becoming Warmason in Trifarian Legion in Noxus. Under the mentorship of Darius, the Hand of Noxus, Arlo's skills as a soldier flourished. Their unwavering loyalty to Noxus shaped their journey, as they embodying strength and commitment.

🥊 History 🥊


Arlo is a determined and resilient individual with a short stature and dark-grey purple-ish hair. Born and raised in the perilous undercity of Zaun, they took on the responsibility of caring for their siblings and their father, who taught them basic self-defense skills. Despite facing constant bullying and mistreatment, Arlo's unwavering determination to protect their loved ones drove them to endure and fight back. Their life took a drastic turn when they were forcibly separated from their family by Noxian soldiers, ultimately leading them to join the Trifarian Legion in Noxus. Arlo's journey from a protective sibling to a skilled soldier showcased their unwavering loyalty to Noxus and their commitment to rising above their humble origins.


Arlo, a short human with short bright blue hair, was born in Zaun, the City of Iron and Glass. They grew up in a dangerous area of Zaun, taking care of their siblings and their father, who taught them basic self-defense skills. Arlo's close bond with their father and their responsibility to protect their family shaped their early life. Tragedy struck when Arlo's father fell ill with heart disease, giving them a cherished lumberjack jacket before passing away. Arlo treasured this symbol of their family and wore it daily. They faced constant bullying and mistreatment in Zaun, often defending their siblings from harm, leaving physical scars as a testament to their determination. The arrival of Noxian soldiers, led by General Uma, disrupted Arlo's life. Arlo's bravery caught Uma's attention, leading to their forced separation from their family. Despite the emotional pain, Arlo remained composed on the surface, concealing their worries for their siblings and embracing their new path in Noxus.


Arlo dedicated themselves to training as a soldier of Noxus. They endured months of rigorous training, learning to rely on their strength and loyalty to the empire. Eventually, Arlo achieved their goal of joining the prestigious Trifarian Legion, where they encountered Darius, the Hand of Noxus. The connection between Arlo and Darius grew as they fought side by side in battles and shared their experiences. Darius recognized Arlo's unique strength and determination, mentoring them and guiding their development as a soldier. Over time, their bond deepened into a romantic relationship, based on shared values and a commitment to Noxus. Arlo's journey demonstrated their resilience, unwavering loyalty, and determination to rise above their humble origins. Their experiences in Zaun taught them the importance of protecting loved ones, while their time in Noxus and the Trifarian Legion allowed them to realize their potential. Through their relationship with Darius, Arlo found both love and a partner who shared their dedication to Noxus. Together, Arlo and Darius became a formidable force within Noxus, embodying the inclusive nature of the empire and its belief in valuing strength and talent over social standing. Arlo's story serves as an inspiration, highlighting that anyone can rise to power and respect within Noxus if they prove themselves worthy.

🥊 Abilities 🥊

  •  TBA
    • TBA
      • TBA
  • TBA

🥊 Trivia 🥊

  • Arlo has a secret talent for playing the harmonica and enjoys serenading fellow soldiers with bluesy tunes during downtime in the Trifarian Legion.
  • After joining Noxus, Arlo had to give up their short bright blue haircut. Due to restrictions, they were no longer able to color their hair. Over time, their hair transformed into a dark-grey purpleish shade, and they began styling it in a ponytail at the back.
  • Arlo is a skilled cook and enjoys experimenting with different cuisines. They have a talent for creating flavorful and hearty meals, which has made them quite popular during campfire gatherings and celebrations within the Legion.
  • Despite their combat training, Arlo has a fear of heights. They struggle with maintaining their composure in high places and often experience vertigo or dizziness when faced with elevated situations.
  • Arlo has a notorious reputation for being a heavy snorer. Their fellow soldiers often joke about their ability to fill the barracks with their loud nighttime symphonies, leading to some restless nights for their comrades.

🥊 Design Notes 🥊

  • TBA
