Smooth Plume



10 months, 1 day ago




Lone wolf






Plume is impulsive to a fault, thinking with her bleeding heart at every instance. Despite her unshakable and steadfast faith, she would tear the world apart at the seams and rend it inhospitable if it meant protecting the ones she loves most. There is no one and nothing that she holds in higher esteem then her mother, Silent. Her death has broken some inexplicable and intrinsic part of Plume, and she now refuses interpersonal relations to avoid inflicting the same grief upon anyone else when she succumbs to the same disease.

Slow to trust and reserved to a fault, Plume keeps her distance with strangers and protects her heart. Until she warms up to you, Plume is cold, fierce, and no-nonsense, giving only the bare minimum and sparse directions. It's only when she relaxes and gets to know you that you realize how sweet she can be. She has a gruff demeanor at the best of times, and a dark sense of humor. The right joke can prompt peals of gut-busting laughter.


  • Loyal
  • Industrious
  • Devoted
  • Dependable
  • Resilient
  • Decisive
  • Solemn
  • Frugal
  • Noncompetitive
  • Solitary
  • Neurotic
  • Predictable
  • Stubborn
  • Perfectionism


Trait: I feel far more comfortable around animals than people.
Ideals: Life is like the seasons, in constant change, and we must change with it.
Bonds: I suffer awful visions of a coming disaster and will do anything to prevent it.
Flaw: There's no room for caution in a life lived to the fullest.









Birthday: 950 3E | Kalatha, 5
Height: 6'5"
Hair: Copper
Eyes: Heterochromia (one gold, one purple)
Disease Onset: age 35
Languages: Qabi, Izsei, Common, Elvish, Celestial (understand some words as they're written in Celestial)
Background: Outlander - Tribal Nomad

Clan Name: The Dreary Dunes
Continent: Esoya
Town Name: Glumeyard (Qabi Tribe Village)
Surroundings: an isolated mountain range surrounded by jungle, savannah, and a desert.


Plume's moodboard is stained yellow/gold, which is the color that best represents her. The images presented here are very literal, providing both the asethetic I was looking for as well as indirectly telling a story about her life. She's a voracious reader, soaking up all the knowledge she can get her paws on. She's ill and a cleric, needing to take and provide medicine. The last gift her mother ever gave her was a handful of pressed purple flowers that Plume cherishes.

Trivia Notes

  • Plume used to hide flowers with the roots still attached in Magravak's home when he wasn't looking.
  • Plume wears expensive boots and gloves to cover her paws in order to hide the disease bubbling up between the webbing there. She wants to avoid cross-contamination and accidentally exposing herself as having Rock Pemphigoid.
  • Plume has always wanted a giant lizard as a pet. She wants to name it Maggy (short for Magravak), and cuddle with it.
  • Plume has always been a little sneak. She often buys items others in the village need from merchants and hides it in places they often reside. Everyone knows its her. It's hard to have secrets in so small a community.
  • Plume has premonitions of calamity. She foresees life as she knows it coming to an end, often in prophetic dreams and sometimes in visions of the future.
  • Plume keeps a journal that she writes all of her thoughts in when she's struggling to process them. She has placed pressed flowers that were given from her mother in there. She even has a nice pen given to her by Magravak from when she officially became a Cleric.
  • When Silent was pregnant with Plume, she was believed to be a boy. They had picked out the name "Edge of the World" or "Edge" for her. When she was born, the name was jarring and didn't fit, prompting Opal to suggest the name "Smooth Plume". It stuck.
  • Trinkets and jewelry shower Plume, bearing the design of her deity, The Mother. She has earrings, a necklace, a forehead headpiece, and a ring.
  • It was because of Magravak that Plume knows about the Wish Whale. He mentioned it off-handedly one day when she was a child and the idea took root and lingered in Plume's mind for decades.


Early Life

Plume was born to her parents Silent and Lost in Glumeyard. Her earliest years are the happiest ones, full of laughter and the ignorance of the disease that loomed over all of their lives. One of her first memories is of playing with her father in the woods, her eyes alight with happiness as he whirled her around in the air and sung songs to her. Another is of her mother holding Plume in her arms and rocking her to sleep, a hand in her hair, and her loving words in her ear.

It wasn't until Plume was eight-years-old that she first began to notice the sorrow hovering her small village. One of the Village elders had died of sepsis, and grief was heavy in the air. It was the first time she'd asked her mother about death, and the boils growing in the webbing of everyone's hands or paws. Silent had sat Plume down and explained what Rock Pemphigoid was. Plume had cried until she couldn't breathe at the thought of her friends and parents succumbing to it. Her first panic attack boiled over in her like bile, and Plume had learned how to deal with that too.

Middling Years

Magravak moved into their colony When Plume was twelve. Meeting him opened the floodgates to her voracious appetite for knowledge and she began to consume everything she could get her hands on. She pumped Magravak for knowledge, coaxed her family into buying her as many books as they could, and as another person in the community died, she decided she'd do anything to protect her friends and family.

For years, Plume researched every topic of interest that was available to her. Half of it revolved around religion, and it wasn't until Plume knew every last tidbit of knowledge about The Mother and her tenants that she decided this was the deity she wanted to dedicate her life to. She began to worship her every day, making time in the morning and evening to pray, before attempting to convert her parents to the cause.

When Plume was fifteen, she approached Magravak with a promise. If he taught her how to heal people, she'd devote herself to it. She begged him to take her on as an apprentice and, when he agreed, she threw herself into the practice with all the enthusiasm an empassioned teenager had. He taught her how to diagonise injuries, to mix medicine and salves, to perform stitches and other acts that might benefit her skills.

It was in her late 20s that Plume was blessed with the power of a Cleric. It was Magravak that she first shared the news with, and it was during his proud congratulations that she realized she was in love with him. Plume gracefully accepted the position and immediately turned her attention to the people who desperately needed her healing. Plume became more devout as time progressed and she learned more spells with which to ease the suffering of others.

Current Day

Plume leaves Glumeyard during the night, stealing their only camel to make her exit. It's as she's leaving that she catches Magravak staring at her from the door to his home, his expression shuttered and tight. He says nothing, but stubs out the light. The door swings shut behind him. Guilt sits in the back of Plume's throat like medicine, thick and bitter as she kicks off on the camel and breaks for freedom.

Anxiety plagues her throughout the night, warping her thoughts and planting seeds of doubt and failure. Plume's face is still wet when she spies the first glimpse of civilization. She reassures herself that her intentions are noble, that she's leaving to heal herself. What use is a Cleric that can't heal? She'll be back before they know it, and she'll show them what true devotion looks like.

As she makes her way across the savanna, she takes down an elephant at great personal cost. Almost everything she's brought with her is crushed and destroyed in the struggle. The only things left relatively untouched are her journal, the little coin she'd saved, and the camel. Slinging the elephant tusk across the back of the camel, Plume manages to get it to the nearest town and sell all but the tip of it. She uses her newfound coin to find a way off the continent, sailing from the dock of the Izsei Tribes.

The next few years find Plume traversing the sea and its corresponding coast. She stays on each continent (from Cleron to Veinun to Auclica) for a few months to most of the year, tracking down whispers and rumors of the mythical Wish Whale. As she does so, she learns about the culture and people of every place she visits, absorbing as much knowledge as she's able to get her hands on. When her gold runs dry, Plume resorts to selling her Cleric powers to get by. Her disease progresses slowly, but surely, and as it does she grows more desperate. Her story starts on Zozume.





[ Deity ]
Kind Ethereal Gentle

Plume is zealously devout, having thrown herself into The Mother's beliefs while she was struggling for purpose. She took Mother's tenets to heart, embracing every life in the village and committing herself to becoming a Cleric to prevent further suffering. The years she lived there, she was entirely selfless, ignoring her own burdens and pain while caring for her parents and the rest of the colony. Her mother's death caused a ripple of great change in her and jumpstarted her journey to cure herself of Rock Pemphigoid. Plume views her goal as noble, for how can she take care of her people if she falls too ill herself?




[ Mother ]
Warm Stubborn Loving

Plume adored her mother. She held Silent in the highest regard, and her trust in the tabaxi cannot be overstated. Her grief at having found her mother dead is overwhelming, deafening. Silent was her closest confidant, the person she told her every secret. Even death hadn't broken their bond or the secrets Plume will take with her to the grave. She would have spent the remainder of her life caring for her mother until Rock Pemphigoid rendered it impossible.

When Plume was a child, she and her mother would hunt and fish together while Silent still had all her limbs. Since they resided in an isolated colony of people who had Rock Pemphigoid, they couldn't wander far. They often whispered made-up gossip to each other to pass the time, and entertain themselves while Poem was away. They would create entire lives for each other, passing on knowledge and wisdom between giggles.




[ Father ]
Brainy Cowardly Traditional

Before Lost abandoned Plume and her mother, Silent, they had a close relationship. She told him every new scrap of knowledge that she managed to dig up daily, and together they pondered it, turning it in their minds until they had perfect clarity. They would often sit across a fire and talk about religion, pausing over anecdotes and other pearls of wisdom.

The last words Lost ever said to Plume was, "You're a stronger person than I. I'm not the man you think I am, I don't think I ever was." Tears had dribbled down her cheeks as Plume had watched Lost's retreating back, and she promised herself that she would never trust anyone like her mother had trusted her father, never fall in love because it meant being vulnerable, and getting hurt.




[ Friend/Mentor/Crush ]
Careful Gentle Confident

Magravak is a hobgoblin who arrived at Glumeyard thirty-two years ago. He used to serve as the Healer in a large town before he contracted Rock Pemphigoid from a patient dying from it. Due to the disease being easily transmissible, Magravak left the town and made for Glumeyard.

Magravak is Plume's favorite person. He took her under his wing when she was fifteen-years-old and taught her the ways of medicine. It was due to their diligence that she became a Cleric in The Mother's glory. Plume views Magravak as not only a mentor, but a close friend and her first crush. His spoken experiences began Plume's voracious thirst of knowledge and saw her devouring every spare packet of information in sight.




[ Storyteller ]
Creative Exuberant Keen

Poem is a fifty-five-year-old tabaxi that grew up in Glumeyard with her parents. Despite her extremely sheltered upbringing, she's never been tempted to leave or strive for more than what she has. She's in a romantic relationship with fellow tabaxi Opal, and has a human child they adopted, named Tharo. She's the village's bard, belting out stories and morals through song. She's creative and smart as a whip, improvising poignant, new melodies on the spot that enrapture everyone around to hear it. Her short-term goal is to provide the necessary entertainment needed to detract from the grief and losses that surround their lives. When one of her paws was amputated, she put away her flute permanently and illustrated her stories with her voice alone.




[ Hunter ]
Serious Methodical Sweet

Opal started life in a clan from the savanna. She was a hunter, having learned to fight at a young age by a legendary warrior. By the time she became an adult, she was a force to be reckoned with herself. After a drunk one night stand in her early twenties, she contracted Rock Pemphigoid. Unsure of what this meant for her, she hid the symptoms, but was eventually found out and dumped half-dead in Glumeyard territory. It was Magravak that found her and nursed her back to health, educating her on the disease when she woke. It took time for her to come to terms with the sudden uprooting of her life, but once she met Poem, decades older than her, it was love at first sight.




[ Younger "Brother" ]
Perceptive Loyal Intelligent

Tharo is a young boy who, at nine-years-old, was kidnapped from his family in order to be sold for "parts". One of the men transporting him was ill with Rock Pemphigoid and transmitted it to him via a wound. By the time they docked and the long voyage was over, the webbing between Tharo's fingers was covered in boils that had popped and were oozing. He was dumped not far from the docks, and a kindly merchant found him, providing food and water as he directed him towards Glumeyard for further care.

It took years for Tharo to open up to his new family, his trauma severe enough to give him chronic nightmares that sent him sleepwalking. Plume was often the one to lead him back home, to bed, and she became something of a big sister to Tharo. She taught him how to read, and often read him stories from the books she bought from merchants. He looked up to her with unconditional love and respect, up until the day she abandoned Glumeyard in order to find a cure for her disease.







Tabaxi (Grassland)




True Neutral


Leave Glumeyard, & don't look back. Don't return. Be free. Don't forget how much I love you, but don't hold let my memory hold you back. Live.

— Silent Wonder, Plume's Mother