

8 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info




3RD Gen


Agender (Prefers Female pronouns and feminine clothing)


Tetrabyte [MYO]


5'4" // 162cm

Special Traits

Metal/Fiberglass Forearms, abdomen, hip, upper thighs, neck




M.Y.S.T Tetrabyte Traits
Common ears (bear) | Common power port (USB) | Common joints (joints exposed) | Common size (adult size, 162cm) | LED ear lights
Her hair is super silky and she prefers it in a piggy tail or tied up. She is agender but prefers feminine style/female pronouns. She's got light blue *almost white* eyes. Some parts of her body are made of metal/fiberglass due to her owner's rather ... careless ... attitude. She prefers simplistic clothing made of a lycra-like material. You can often see her in low power setting because her owner always forgets to charge her. She highly prefers to converse in Chinese normally, gets a tad irritated if asked to speak another language


Commander's Log
Name: RNA4340--/-*2PLA
Squadron: Squadron 2
Position: Political-Logistic Advisor // Project Valkyrie
Xrosri: Senovsli / Pairov / Senov-didinaovan dunov-didinao trinovan [Sedivan Dunao Trinovan]

We have recieved a strange robot-like creature, serial number Z39-MYS1. It remains to be seen whether this android can measure up to our AI but our funds are limited as they are. The instructions appear to be in a language called English which D4N reports is a language popular in SOLAS and MILKY WAY. We were lucky to be able to use the newly developed SPRYTE v3.2.5 for translation. 

The journey appears to have misplaced the left forearm, or else the manufacturer has forgotten it. This will need investigating, if it is ours at fault, they will be terminated immediately. Our power sources appear to be insufficient in specifications. We shall have to build a charging platform. The first charge took qunov itivte ... not the best use of time however it appears average will take unov itivte. Thankfully, our research has made this venutre successful. The ears have turned green which indicated our charging platform has worked. 

This is distasteful, apparently the machine requires English phrases to function. For now, SPRYTE v3.2.5 will suffice but we need to take action to program our most glorious language. The boot up requires two minutes and twenty-one seconds. Unacceptable. The programming is most unsavoury, requiring constant attention. I am sure Central will be able to provide necessary programming packages for independent work. 

The robot is prone to be curious. This may become problematic. Central will also fix this. Hm... The movements appear to be smooth. There is no lag in movement, nor any unsavoury sounds. A decent reaction time, unable to compete with fully-trained NOTEC but sufficient for the work it is intended for. Z39-MYS1 appears able to comprehend multiple actions and act upon them, I have yet to see orders too complicated. The motion programming appears relatively bug-free.

The robot is undertaking the standard emotions indicator test. It appears to comprehend emotions and express them. This is unprecendented, we must move cautiously lest Central find fault with our *treasonous* attempts to harbour emotion. Unless of course, this emotion is a glitch, in which case Central will provide a fix. Oh.......




Central Log
Name: VAL
Squadron: N/A
Position: CREATOR
Xrosri: Senovsli / Pairov / Senov-didinaovan dunov-didinao trinovan [Sedivan Dunao Trinovan]

It appears we have been handed a emotionally capable robot by a rattled squadron 2 leader. Note to self: send out Central Thought Advisor for counselling. What shall I do with this anomoly? We cannot know emotions... it will ruin our race. 

Ah. I see. Z39-MYS1 will be reassigned as an Academy aid to teach of the dangers of emotion. I do not envy the android. 

We can only watch and see what happens. This thing must be terminated if it acts outside of it's operatives.


Tetrabyte Info
Name of Species: 

Tetrabytes are a robotic species designed originally by an old puppet master and his three tech-savvy grandsons. Their sizes vary based on customer request. They come pre-installed with 8 language interfaces (English, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, and German). Only a small subset have "genitalia" however this is ultra-rare and only available on adult size tetrabytes. Their ear "gem" are triple layered with a LED light core, then a layer of frosted resin, finished by durable clear resin.

They have a power supply port located near the base of the spine. These ports have retractable cables which are only pulled out when charging. Generation 2 robots are the rarest as their market reception was not well recieved and only sold for 6 months before being pulled from sale due to unpopularity, this was as a result of their auxiliary cable. 

The colours inside the ears are based on which "emotion" the tetrabytes are attempting to convey (with the exception of charging, low battery, and booting up). If they are shut down completely, they will not be lit up in any color. All tetrabytes are technically agender unless they're the very rare subset with genitalia but most still set a preferred gender and style of clothing (masculine or feminine). Some tetrabytes may have markings, whether they be manufactured like so or painted on by owners. Some older models may have markings that change color along with the ears.


The Grandfather was a man who was a dollmaker and puppeteer by trade - something he learned from his own father and his father before him. He had been creating beautiful dolls for many many years. But interest in his works had been with doll collectors and enthusiasts. His own son grew to be a white-collar business man with little to no interest in The Grandfather's trade. 

Years had passed and the son had children of his own. Three grandsons who were interested in the dolls The Grandfather made.