



Physical Info

Full Name: Petra (birth name is Xiaoqiu )

Nickname(s): Usually anything dog related.

Gender: Female, She/Her

Sexuality: Panromantic / Demisexual (but otherwise a bit complicated - she wants a single mate for life, but seems to be comfortable being in polyamory like the Sumeru 4 can suggest. She probably sees this as natural until she finds her one and only.)

Age: Adult, most likely as old as Diluc, Kaeya and Jean.

Height: Shorter than Jean by about an inch, so probably around 5 ft 8-9 in.

Species: Part Foo/Fu lion/dog adepti, human.

Birthday: November 18th

Occupation/Association: Adventurer’s Guild

Zodiac: Scorpio

MBTI: (uhh I’ll have to do that)

Vision: Anemo (frame is Mondstadt)

Region: Born in Liyue, grows up in Mond, currently in Sumeru

Weapon: Polearm

Model: Tall Female (definitely shorter than Jean)

Constellation: Vitae Volneris


Other Info-


Petra is a rather happy go lucky, optimistic and puppy-like personality on the surface initially to those she’s closest with. Stubborn as she is gullible, her and characters like Kaveh are an accident waiting to happen with scammers - she’s very driven by emotions and easily becomes a charge first ask a questions later fighter when tensions run high. Her unpredictability in a fight and stubborn nature to accept challenges from most opponents stems from her upbringing with Varka of Mondstadt - but due to her said emotional sensitivity in fights, her weaknesses can easily be exposed and used against her. In her moments of shaken confidence, she can sink into her true emotional state of feeling lonely, underestimated and unable to figure out where she belongs in the world, driven by her regrets of leaving behind her friends and home she’d been given in Mondstadt. It’s rare to see her give into this more hidden mindset, which is why she abstains from drinking often.


N/A for now

Voice Claims

English - N/A

Japanese - N/A

Chinese - N/A



Mom: Unknown

Father: Fu Yang

[ Grandmaster Varka - Adoptive Father ]

Brother(s): Jingyi

[ Razor by adoption thru Varka technically ]

Sister(s): N/A

[ Rosaria by adoption thru Varka technically ]


Name Etymology
Petra’s name was given to her by Grandmaster Varka after her Liyue origin - but specifying its reasoning outside of the story consists of simplicity : Petra is a feminine given name. It is a feminine form of Peter, which is derived from the Greek word "πέτρα" ( pronounced [ˈpetra]) meaning "stone, rock". It is also a common first name in German-speaking countries, the Czech Republic, Finland, Sweden, Croatia, Hungary, Macedonia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Slovakia. Not only is Germanic tone heavily implied in Mondstadt, it also calls ties to her main design inspiration from the city of Petra, Jordan, known for its intricate sandstone carvings of everything from churches, trading centers, religious buildings, and arenas. Genshin Impact story wise, it takes from the Archaic Petra artifact set, further implying the connection to Morax and by proxy, Zhongli.
Her original Liyue name was dubbed “Xiaoqiu” - the characters separated correspond to “qiu” meaning autumn and “Xiao” usually meaning small or little.  (I need to do more research on it ofc to make sure I’m correct)
