


6 years, 1 month ago


Name: Sterling

Gender: Male

Age: Young teen
Birthday: April 9th

Species: Pegases
Current Job: ///
Height: On the taller side but not very noticable
Weight: Fit, strong and healthy

Personality: (still a wip)Sterling is very confident about himself and what he says. He is a dreamer and often get's lost in thought when walking or looking at something they may give him inspiration. Sterling finds it easy to start conversations even with strangers. He is not very organized but there is a mind behing the mess, he can tell you where anything is without even blinking. Sterling is very energetic and highly motivated most of the time. Sometimes he get's caught up trying to win a debate and makes the other upset, but he is quick to appoligize. Sterling loves to be the center of attention. He has a very creative mind and thinks out of the box ideas. Not many things can get to him, but don't say anything bad about his little sis or you are in for it. Can go from sad, happy, to confused in a matter of minutes. Often is very blunt but he means well, he just doesn't know how to sugar coat things.
Backstory/current: ///=wip
Family: Younger Sister-
Quirks: ///
Likes: ///

Art/Design by Earthsong9405

He was a custom to go with his sister :D