bae juhi



10 months, 30 days ago


 magical deviant and future criminal mastermind. has beef with the holy magic union.

- early 20s

- 180cm



academically unmotivated genius, competent but only in what suits her selfish interests. values the entertainment people bring. a self proclaimed ‘humanist’. loves attention of all kinds. her methodical outlook on life is used to mask the ever-changing whirlwinds of emotions laying beneath the surface. 

- negatives: can be manipulative, vain, listless. her goals can change with the wind, with her tactics changing just as fast — a wildcard. prioritises herself over others. 

+ positives: independent thinker, unafraid to go against political norms, confident and logical, with an ego that cannot be beaten down. loyal to an obsessive level— if you can catch her first. 

alignment: morally grey, prioritises happiness of the general population, but isnt against ‘sacrificial lambs’, so to speak. 

Affiliations + Relations

Family: Pastor Lukasz (deceased)
Best Friends:
Relationship Status: — (aromantic)
Significant Other:
Other Relationships:

organisations: union of the moon, magic rebels

Enemy: romeo al askar — a self-sacrificing, sensitive, rule-following soldier.. juhi’s polar opposite. his hatred slowly becomes obsession, and he attempts to tether her with a love spell; only for it to backfire on him. hard. 


Secret: all of her ‘negative’ personality traits are secret, as she is aware they are perceived badly. as such she tries not to get too close to people, especially ones she particularly likes, as to avoid their rejection. she also keeps her rebel activities under wraps, mostly at least..
Role Model: talya - yearns for the structure and strictness talya has within herself. juhi’s brain differs, and her fluctuating priorities have caused unintentional strings of self-sabotage. she also admires talya’s honesty and wit.