


11 months, 3 days ago


Name: Witchcraft

Tribe: Sky/Night

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Heterosexual 

Partner: None 

Vc: Cortney, Total Drama

Appearance: Witch is a truly gorgeous dragon, with overlapping yellow and red scales. She has a white face and underscales. She has flame patters on her legs and talons. Her long, delicate horns are a pearly black speckled with star-like spots. Her large wings are a shiny black, speckled with stars. She has 2 black teardrop scales by her crystal blue eyes. 

Personality: Witchcraft is a sophisticated and calm dragon. She is elegant and mature, but a little smug. She is also a little snooty, and can be a little big for her britches. She is rather polite, but sometimes can get a little snippy and sarcastic. She has a sarcastic sense of humor. She is most of the time rather composed and acts as though she’s too good to have “immature fun,” but sometimes let’s loose. She has a mischievous and funny side to her that she doesn’t show often. 

Abilities: Witch has strange abilities. She can read minds, but only off of one dragon at a time. She can control who she reads the mind of though. She can also see the future, but only when she looks into a flame, like a campfire or torch. Witchcraft also has aminus abilities, but she rarely uses them. She does have one aminus enchanted item, which gives her the ability to move objects with her mind. She can also breathe fire.

Relationships: https://toyhou.se/22904954.kindle

Kindle, along with her twin Spark, are Witchcraft’s half sisters. Witchcraft cares about her sister, but sometimes Kindle’s high energy drives her crazy.


Spark, along with her twin Kindle, is Witchcraft’s half sister. Even though Witchcraft hates Sparks short temper, she loves her dearly.


Witchcraft act likes she can’t stand Echidna, and his goofy and silly attitude, but she really cares about him. She secretly views him as a good friend.


Witchcraft gets along well with Geranium, and sees her as her best friend.