


11 months, 2 days ago


- 6 ½

- Has Melininism 

- Would be in a lower circle if the circle system still existed 

His parents were better than most IceWings, but they were still fairly neglectful and sometimes pretended that he didn't exist. The color of his scales certainly didn't do him any favors. He was never really content where he was in life, and wanted to climb the ranks of society even if there weren't any ranks to climb

He never really got the chance though, since his parents happily shipped him off to Jade Mountain when he got an invite. He was angry about this, and was often snappy to other students. 

He tolerated his winglet well enough, and he didn't really speak to his clawmates. He knew deep down that he was being jerkish to dragons who didn't really deserve it, but his walls were way up. 

It was fortunate that Peri was in their winglet. She was an oddly cheerful skywing, and was annoyingly persistent in being his friend. She gradually chipped away at his walls, and they became somewhat close. With that achievement accomplished, she often dragged him into absurd situations that made lasting memories. They rarely argued about anything, and Peri managed to calm his temper whenever he got too angry or obnoxious. She made sure that he apologized to the dragon he had wronged after he understood what he had done. 

He grew to value her as a friend, and as his walls fell he gradually grew closer to his classmates. He became almost like the big brother to all of them, and he kept an eye out for Virga. Unfortunately he was a target for the few bullies in the school, and though Watermelon tried, sometimes he wasn't enough. He was surprisingly good at deescalating conflict, and he could feel whenever Clay's approving eyes landed on him. He almost felt a sense of pride. 

He thought Humans were strange little creatures, but he found himself wanting to help bridge the gap between the two species. Luckily there were a few humans in the school, and Sunny had learned their language to communicate with them. She happily agreed to teach him, and he sat with her for an hour each day after class. It was difficult, but thanks to Peri and Sunny, he was able to speak it well enough. His friend even picked up some human, and he would be delighted whenever she spoke to him. 

As Sunny noticed his increasing interest in their mammal counterparts, she surprised him one day with Winter. Alabaster had wanted to meet him since figuring out what he had wanted to do, and was ecstatic when he got to meet his role model. He was authorized to go see Sanctuary for a day, and fell in love with the place. He felt a burst of pride whenever the older icewing acknowledged how hard he worked to learn human, and Winter proudly showed him what he had built from the ground up. 

Since humans were no longer just an animal and actually sentient, winter had turned the scavenger research facility into a place where the two species could mingle peacefully without worry of getting stabbed in the eye or eaten. He did end up becoming friends with a little human named Arwin, and met her girlfriend the same day. 

Alabaster didn't want to leave when the time came, and Winter chuckled. The older icewing informed him that as long as the school allowed him to and he kept up with his assignments, he would talk to Tsunami about Alabaster being able to stay and help over the weekend. 

Alabaster was very happy with the news, and ecstatic when the petition was approved. Sanctuary was Alabaster's favorite place to be, and he often brought his skywing friend to see what he was doing. Alabaster loves his life, and couldn’t be happier that his parents did the only good thing that they ever did for him.