Yukari Nonus



11 months, 6 days ago


World / Data Center: Excalibur (Primal)

Name: Yukari "Yu" Nonus
Age: 21
Race: Au Ra, Raen
Gender / Pronouns: Trans male, he/him
Sexuality: Asexual

Hometown: Werlyt, Ilsabard
Occupation: Former Garlean soldier / "deserter". Wandering sword for hire.

Notable Features:

pale skin, nearly the same shade of white as his scales. heavier scale plating than standard au'ra. thick tail with spikes along its length, that ends in a club-like protrusion, similar to an ankylosaurus. minor spikes on horns. top surgery scars, heavily faded. purple facial tattoos.

Body & Build:

short and stocky. pure muscle but not well defined. chips and nicks in scales around body and arms that coincide with old wounds/scars on the flesh.

Languages: Common Eorzean

Brief Description:
Born to those in servitude of the Garlean Empire, the young Au Ra spent most of his life under another name, under another's orders. In a bold, dangerous move, when stationed in Eorzea, he abandoned "his orders" and hid away to make a new life for himself.