William Morrison



6 years, 29 days ago


The Basics


AgeTwenty two
Likesfeeling strong, reading, not being a depressed pile of garbage, not having panic attacks
Dislikesthe sensation of dying, depression, trying to commit suicide and failing, being immortal, being alive, being a failure
StrengthsHe can't die, not for good. He can withstand a lot more than a normal human before he does, eventually, succumb to his wounds. Strong constitution.
WeaknessesHe hates pain. Being immortal leads to some interesting phobias...
  1. Has a severe case of agoraphobia. Probably has PTSD. Any questions regarding his past brings on flashbacks that he can't shake. 
  2. Panic attacks when around things that have killed him before. Including, but not limited to, nooses, knives, and guns...
  3. Terrified of most social interaction.
  4. Asexual, aromantic, and ready to die!

Trivia Fun!

  1. He's immortal.
  2. He doesn't want to be.
  3. No one but his father knows his secret. His father was terribly abusive when William was young. He beat him, made him wet himself, among other terrible things. William has never really recovered or dealt with any of it.
  4. His father had this saying that William would grow up to be human garbage. His father was and is absolutely batshit insane. William knows that, but he still can't shake the fact that he's running from an inevitability, trying to be a good person...