


11 months, 10 days ago

Basic Info




Turret, Pastel Pink Zircon ❖ She/They/He

The “defense” attorney created alongside the great Royal Purple Zircon, Imperia. Pastel Pink Zircon, otherwise known as Turret is the crazed veinmate to one of Empire’s greatest Zircons. She specializes in investigation, writing reports and hunting down any clues that could possibly cross her path. However, it’s rare to see him as he’s often hidden away in a small broom closet office in the corner of wherever Imperia is working at the time. The only time they are found is when a gem is purposefully looking to hire them.

When hiring this Zircon it can be expected that the job will get done with great haste and passion. Due to the small number of jobs Turret gets she often has a lot of time to go in depth with her investigations to a point most Zircon’s can’t. He certainly is a gem to behold, one with a drive to discover and document to the point of obsession. Turret doesn’t wish to usurp Imperia or even stand in her way, instead his only desire is to unlock the many mysteries of the Empire and gem kind.

Character Creation by domidoesart_