Grant Albero



5 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Grant Albero

Being Type

Werewolf (formerly human)






Maximum Gay


✧Human form✧
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 230-250 lbs

✧Werewolf form✧
Height: 9'0"
Weight: 400~lbs

- Accelerated Healing: heals faster than humans, though still slightly slower than a pure werewolf. Minor injuries (bruises/cuts) will heal in under a day, more serious injuries heal within a week. Healing can be slower depending on lunar phases, how well fed he is, if silver is involved.
- Enhanced Strength: Natural strength greater than average humans. He can lift things greater than twice his own weight, up to a whole car when in his were form.
- Enhanced Senses: acute hearing, vision, and smell. Includes nightvision. Often this is more of a curse than a blessing, as he is overly sensitive to loud sounds and strong scents.
- Were Form: able to take a larger, hairier form. Strength and endurance is amplified, also has sharp teeth and nails.
- Silver Aversion: weak to silver, causes contact burns on his skin and prevents him from healing quickly if it gets in his body. Any injuries caused by silver will take longer than normal to heal. 

| Friendly | Kind | Loyal | Wary | Self-Conscious | Sarcastic | Laid Back | Short-Tempered | Impatient | Dense |
Despite his rough appearance, he’s a sweet and gentle guy. He can’t help that his neutral expression makes him appear to be annoyed and angry, it’s partially caused by his inability to get decent enough rest. He’s always frickin tired. He tries his best to be kind to people he doesn’t know, though is always wary and isn’t very quick to trust someone and let them close to him. However, once he does finally open up, he is nearly impossible to get rid of and is very loyal to his friends. You’re stuck with him if you get him comfortable!! He’s also usually very cuddly and physical with friends of his and will hug the crap out of all his buddies, unless he knows they don’t like that, of course.

He likes to goof and joke around, though he can be serious at times and tries to respect a person’s boundaries while he’s being silly. In general, Grant is a big ol doofus. When it comes to a lot of things, he’s dense and the joke or point will go right over his head. He only understands when things are very straight forward, he won’t pick up on most subtext.

He’s very relaxed, often to the point of laziness when it comes to some things. He prefers to lounge around than most anything, and often takes the quicker route to finish tasks or to get places. His laziness and impatience effect his speech, in that he will shorten words and speaks very informally. He’s also prone to swearing, though the more excited or angry he gets the more curses get tossed in his speech. It can most definitely get to the point of every other word being a curse.

Due to his rough childhood and growing up as the only werewolf in his community, he’s very self-conscious. Any negative comments about his appearance will most definitely strike a nerve, but especially comments regarding his size or his body hair. He is happy with himself and his body, but that is fragile and easily shattered with a few mean words.

⋆pizza (especially with meat toppings)
⋆MEAT, raw or cooked
⋆vidya games and tabletop games
⋆bad jokes and puns. Dad humor
⋆animals, dogs are his favorite
⋆those really goofy text meme shirts
⋆sleeping outside in the grass and stargazing
⋆head scratches

⋆formal settings
⋆dressing in formal clothes
⋆his family
⋆people that take everything too seriously
⋆silver, for obvious reasons
⋆humid/wet weather since it causes his hair to poof up (also makes him worry about smelling like wet dog)
⋆having any of his flaws pointed out to him. trust him, he already knows em all
⋆LOUD SOUNDS (thunder, fireworks, gunshots, anything large and bang-like)

⋆His eyes are luminescent, though it’s extremely faint while he’s in his human form and is only ever noticeable in the dark. The glow is much more intense while he’s in his wolf form.
⋆He heals remarkably fast due to being a werewolf, and retains full control of his wolf form. It’s also not based on moon phases, not for his breed of werewolf.
⋆He eats A LOT because he’s a werewolf and needs that energy to be able to transform. Switching between forms is very tiresome and will wipe him out otherwise. Even if he’s well rested and fed, he’ll still be tired afterwards.
⋆Usually wears clothes while in his wolf form, at the very least some kinda pants. He's not gonna run around naked just cause he's got a coat of fur on, that's indecent.
⋆His nails are black, it’s just how they are. No, it’s not nail polish.
⋆This man is such a closet nerd, but if convinced that he won’t be made fun of for his likes and hobbies, he’ll never shut up about any of it.
⋆He's got sensitive ears and fantastic hearing, as well as a good sense of smell. He's good at finding stuff and hunting because of it.
⋆Awkward at times, mostly when complimented or when around people he's not yet fully comfortable with. More of the overly friendly and enthusiastic kind of awkward.
⋆Similarly, he doesn't handle people saying nice things about him or doing nice things for him well, in that he gets emotional bc WOW DANG THATS SO SWEET OF YOU... He WILL cry (happy tears).
⋆Dyes his hair, usually, sometimes. It's because he's greying already (due to having that chunk of silver in his stomach for a time).
⋆ Probably has a bit of PTSD from being fucking SHOT