
Starting Bid: 45 EUR

Min. Increment: 5 EUR

Auto Buy: N/A

The winner will receive additional art if the winning bid goes above the following amounts:

45 EUR/SB - Unwatermarked adopt (transparent bg)

90 EUR+ - Above + Headshot illustration of the character

160 EUR+ - Above + Fullbody illustration

200 EUR+ - Above + Custom alternate outfit

300 EUR+ - Above + Full turnaround reference sheet for both outfits

500 EUR+ - Above + Commercial use


- The adopt's gender is up to the buyer.

- No refunds.

- You may change the design after purchase.

- You may trade, gift, or resell.

- If you bid and then cancel, hide your bid, fail to respond etc. you will be blacklisted.

- Please credit me for the design.

Payment will be made through PayPal invoice, so please send me your email for PayPal once I've confirmed you've won!

If you need a payment plan, please let me know. Full payment must be made within two weeks of the payment being confirmed. A payment plan requires an initial deposit of 45 EUR.

Auction ends 72 hours after last bid. Limit time for payment is within 48 hours of confirmation.