


9 months, 28 days ago


Age: 21

Gender: demigirl

Sexuality: omnisexual

Birthday: 10/31

Pronouns: she/they/neos

- definitely makes kandi as a little side job, has a little Etsy shop and everything! She takes custom orders and thoroughly enjoys making every one, it’s a fairly popular shop as well! (hc by PuppiDogz)

- Tacos are definitely her favourite food, she looks up multiple ways to cook them and plays the “it’s raining tacos” song whenever she does , it’s like a ritual (hc by PuppiDogz)

- Very big cat person!! Hopes to one day be able to rescue a kitty and dress it up in a silly gir onesie or something! (hc by PuppiDogz)

- I feel like she has at least one hello kitty plush , it looked sad in a charity shop or something so she just had to get it (hc by PuppiDogz)

- They seem like the type to have a specific type of man that she prefers romantically (ex: fluffy hair emo/scene etc) but when it comes to girls shes just like "woman.... all woman pretty...." (hc by LukaDarling)

- She looves skating! She covers her skates with glitter and stickers and never takes them off unless shes forced to! (hc by LukaDarling)

- her favorite monster flavors are strawberry dreams and rosá! (hc by LukaDarling)