❥ — Yaeko Hasegawa



11 months, 14 days ago


Sometimes I wish

Name Yaeko Hasegawa
Age 16
Alias Lil' buddy
Gender Female
Orientation Aromantic
Pronouns She / Her
Occupation Member of V.B.
Species Octoling

I could lend you my ears
  • She has a bilateral cleft lip!
  • Her natural ink color is Tropical Violet [#C9ADD3].
  • Yaeko is 5'3" and average in body type.
  • On top of having various scars around her body, her hair appears to be unevenly cut in the back. It looks as if she tried to do it herself.
  • Will wear any sort of idol merch, even if she's never heard of the group.

She seems to act shy — almost even timid. Talking to complete strangers, especially octolings with an unknown background, feels dangerous to her. Her past experience with even her own family, or people she thought she could be close to ruined her initial image on people. Yes, she generalizes, but she isn't aware of how harmful that mindset is. Nor does she really plan on changing it soon. .

Even then, she's more affectionate than meets the eye. Yaeko is often found to cling onto the ones she manages to trust, following them wherever she can. Of course, if they want some alone time or feel uncomfortable with her behavior, she leaves them be. Though if not, then she'll stick around to tell them about her day, her plans, etc. If given the chance, she'll even decide on places they could go. Her behavior while isolated can be. . concerning for others to witness: she makes a habit out of talking to herself from time to time, but not for the reasons one would hope. Self-deprecation is something Yaeko does best, as imitated from people in her past. She pushes herself far too hard, whether for justice, strength, or someone else. Most of her dialogue consists of her insulting herself with or without the included compliment she may give others.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organized messy
assertive turbulent

Lend you my thoughts

Like most other cephalopods, Yaeko has the ability to switch in and out of just being a full-on octopus. Her swim-form is a bit smaller than average, though. Either way, her swim-form allows her to submerge within any ink color as long as it matches her team / her natural color, and aids her when she feels too damaged to continue on with something.

Dapple Dualies

As her main weapon, they are a pretty basic option and a bit outside of her league. There are a few things she fails at when it comes to them [ even just trying to be faster appears as troublesome ], but it's an odd dream of hers to be able to perfect the akimbo guns.


As a young octoling in the depths of her kind's territory, she often dreaded the idea of actually working under octarian law. She was an exceptional only-child with some relatively loving parents — there was nothing more that she would've wanted. Her family provided her with more than just the bare necessities both mentally and physically, and she found herself excelling in skills the average person wouldn't normally have. With this in mind, she partly set her future fate.

It was at the age of sixteen that she would be sent off to join the army, as they found her perfect for any future battles. Her family — unexpectedly, and against her wishes — allowed her to be taken away, tested, and generally evaluated. Yaeko, even now, could never truly express how betrayed she had felt in that moment. The army wasted no time getting her in the system, even having a uniform prepared for her the day she was picked up.

After only a month in her sector, Yaeko [ and a few others ] were picked to move to a different base. She was brought over to an off-road truck to board it and was sent on her way. In the midst of the heated journey, she saw a glimpse of Inkopolis — more specifically, the lights. She reached out to them at the same thing the truck hit a large ditch. As a result, she fell out long before anyone would notice her missing.

It's assumed that she hit her head on a rock as she fell off, but either way she was left unconscious and in serious danger. Luckily, a familiar inkling happened to find her. What the girl had been doing out there in the first place is left unknown, but regardless it saved Yaeko's life. Yaeko was brought back to the group the inkling had been part of and was taken care of by them. Later on when the group decided they were done getting her back healthy, it was noted that any memories she had from before were lost — including her combative skills. With that in mind, the group decided to keep housing her as long as she could pay rent.

With the offer accepted, she became a new member of the Voiceless Beacon team and now just tries to catch up with the rest. Her old memories. . aren't priority. Surviving, however, is.


  • She finds Inklings to be very interesting! Ever since she saw a glimpse of Inkopolis, she wanted to know everything there was to know about them and their culture.
  • Yaeko's favorite idol group is Deep Cut! She tries to go to their shows as much as possible.
  • Even though her main weapons are dualies, she's unable to do the roll correctly. Anytime she tries she just ends up tumbling.
  • Yaeko has heard of Miasma, though only as a legend between former octoling soldiers.
  • She is absolutely terrrified of Grizzco Industries and the bear behind it.

And lend you my tears
Alignment Neutral Good
Archetype The Benefactor
Enneagram Type 9: The Peacemaker
Star Sign Taurus
Tarot Card The Fool

Status Alive