

quinn is usually showing signs of nervousness. he's a worry wart that is most of the time pessimistic. when he's with others though, he acts tough and quiet. if someone messes with him, he'd do his best bluff or threats, perhaps puffing his chest or speak in a gruffy voice, he knows how to intimidate someone properly but if it doesn't work he actually can defend himself, he just doesn't want anyone to get hurt ot get close to him. so instead of being loved, he chooses to be feared, fearing that if people get close to him they will be disappointed with what they find; an anxiety filled invidual that has a soft spot for plushies. someone who can't do anything well and destroy everything he touches, who also can't sleep without listening to a lullaby. he's blamed for everything he does all his life and rarely trust others due to past events, so he couldn't bear having friends. his dull colors doesn't help either. while everyone is colorful and eye-catching, he's just a shade, just that, nothing important. he just hope that someone will finally like him for who he are and can stand him