baby's Comments

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you have some pretty lads but unfortunately i don't think id use anyone,,

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Hello ! Anything to this folder:  , would interest you? :)

sorry, nobody caught my eye!

willing to do art offers of any amount of pieces and size! my art can be found here !!

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They're so pretty!

Feel free to check out my unwanted folder for some possible trades! Or my fresh folder, though I'll be way more tentative on that one! Or I could offer some art!

Thank you for your time!

Sorry, nobody caught my eye!

No worries! Thank you for looking!

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How much are you looking for money wise ?

At least $50! I can haggle with add ons tho

Hello ! Anything to this folder: + (off-limite Scarfox/Orki , would interest you? :)

No sorry <3