Chili Ventura



10 months, 5 days ago


Name: Chili Ventura
Age: 28 EYO
Non-binary transgender, picked the name Chili for themself
Pronouns: they/he/it/anything but she rly
Extremely skilled with their clan power

Fucker Unlimited is the brand name. Inasmuch as a high school dropout graffiti artist who is the bane of law enforcement in New Hendrix can have a ‘brand’, that is. Chili Ventura would like to consider it their brand, though. If it wasn’t a brand, why take the trouble to sign every graffiti they make with it? And oh do they make a lot of graffiti. It’s their art style - along with outrunning the cops.

When not pursuing their calling, Chili works as a janitor for one of New Hendrix’s concert venues. They only start work long after the party has ended. Just as well for the venue, given Chili can barely make it more than a minute without saying fuck unless it’s the only thing they are focused on, and just as well for Chili, because talking to other floss tends to leave them uneasy. Not many others know how to deal with them and they don’t really know how to deal with most others.

Not to say they don’t have a social life of sorts. Chili’s older brother made them a mask a few years ago that covers up the sound of the words they feel compelled to say, and they’ve been able to get into a surprising amount of parties. Mostly they just like dancing in large groups without having to interact with others, but they’ve made some friends. It feels like the first time they’ve had friends since they were little, so they’re pretty anxious about trying not to upset them and just go along with what they want. Which…may not always be for the best.

They have Tourette’s Syndrome. While their coprolalia is the most obvious tic, a lot of others are less obvious (or rather, other floss are a lot less upset over these other tics) - they blink their eyes in specific groups, for example, and another involves smacking their palms through their spikes (fortunately the material just leaves them stained brightly!) Also running in what could best be described as ‘spirals’. They have discovered that shaking spraypaint cans can sometimes satisfy the urge for other tics and aren’t sure why, though it doesn’t quite help with the vocal ones.

Their mother was a single mother of three young kittens who was just doing her best to make it in one of Beta’s far-too-expensive cities. Chili, then undiagnosed, struggled a lot in school, attracting bullying both from teachers and other students and even sometimes their siblings. His mom couldn’t afford a doctor in Beta for anything but an emergency, so it wasn’t until she managed to nab a much better paid job in Phi - still as a janitor, but the clan where everyone wants to be a star has to work hard to get basic sanitation workers - and relocate that Chili finally saw a doctor. By then, it was 13 and struggling with depression and anxiety among other things.

Diagnosis helped a little bit, because at least then Chili’s family would believe they didn’t have any control over the tics they didn’t like. They still dropped out of high school at fifteen, though, finding it just too much stress and emotional pain to keep going. Due to labor laws, they couldn’t work yet, and their mom demanded they at least try online school. Chili hated it as much as regular school, and pretty quickly skipped off.

They struggled with what to do if not in school though. They made art at home, mostly, but found themselves drawn more and more to the cool graffiti art they saw under bridges and on walls and on train cars and such… By chance, one night, when going for one of their ‘runs’ (a tic that makes them run in what could best be called spirals) they came across some floss actually doing the graffiti, and managed to overcome their anxiety just enough to ask about it. Since they clearly weren’t a cop, they got a few short answers.

It couldn’t afford spray paint right away…but when they turned sixteen, they were allowed to get a part time job at their mom’s workplace, something she helped arrange. It didn’t much care about work, but did like making money, and soon accumulated a stash of spray paint. Initial graffiti was very basic and derivative as they got used to making it, but soon, Chili became far more inventive. They loved nothing more than the challenge and risk of finding a unique spot and composing a unique piece on an unknown and limited time frame. ‘Fucker’ was their most common verbal tic at the time, and as a joke about how it felt there was no limit on how often their brain demanded it be said, they started signing their pieces with ‘Fucker Unlimited’.

They live in an apartment complex, renting the unit next to their mom. It’s nice to have his own space but like. They’re way too scared to try to cook, and prefer to just pay their mom to make food for them, or buy fast food out. Stoves are scary, ovens are scary, and besides, they hide all their spray paint in the oven…