Noah (Albedo and Noah)



-Noah was basically given to Albedo by his family in order to try to find a cure for the mystery illness that plagued him. 

-Albedo doesn't find out that Noah is transgender until a couple weeks in when he has to take a physical of Noah. Safe to say, it was a surprise. 

-Noah had been binding in an unsafe way for a long time, so Albedo finds an alternative for him. And, since it was out in the open, Noah was able to take breaks from binding like one should do to stay healthy without worry of Albedo judging. 

-Albedo manages to alchemize some medicine that helps with Noah's symptoms after awhile.

-But, the two grow rather attached to one another and due to Noah's rather abusive past, Albedo becomes his new home rather quickly. And so, Albedo promises to keep Noah with him even after one gets better from his illness. 

-Noah is especially clingy to Albedo and relies on him for a lot. Enjoys being doted on and taken care of. 

-Noah helps out with some of Albedo's experiments and alchemy every once in awhile. 

-Eventually, Noah DOES accidentally get pregnant, which completely fucks him up with his gender dysphoria. It's definitely a tough time carrying their baby. They end up having a girl named Aria.


-Noah calls Albedo 'Bedo'.


-Noah is a trans boy with no surgeries so he biologically has a vagina and breasts. His breasts are a b cup that he almost always keeps binded. He has black and white thick pubic hair. Albedo's dick size would be about 6 1/2"

-They have unprotected sex as they are under the (false) assumption Albedo is unable to get anyone pregnant due to his unique biology, and the two of them are exclusive to one another anyways. 

-Noah enjoys cream-pies(a part of the reason for the unprotected sex, too)

-Prefers missionary so he can see Albedo's face and kiss him. He's very affectionate. 

-Noah is unable to reach orgasm without clitoral stimulation as well. 

-Ngl Albedo makes his own lubricant with slime stuff that kinda grossed Noah out at first but eventually got used to it lmao

-Noah is rather quiet during sex but he tries to show it in other ways that he's still enjoying himself, such as verbal reassurance and kisses.