


11 months, 2 days ago


Please remember to always credit Netherbornes to r0ttingd0gteeth / luckymahou

Please feel free to link your own Netherbornes to this page!

This page is still a WIP, so play no attention to spelling errors, or repeated text!


Netherbornes are a species native to the Nether, Each biome has its own sub-species!

Wastebornes was the first who originate from the Nether Wastes, the sub-species are, Crimsonborne, Warpedborne, Basaltborne, and Soulborne.

Hybrids do exist but they are not very common as they normally are incapable of having litters. But when they do, their litters tend to be very small.



Crimson Forest

"The Brutish Defender"

These large brutes stand at an astonishing 7 feet tall on average, being well taller than any of the their sub-species counter parts. Crimsonborne are known for being very territorial, using any means to show what is theirs. This is because of them very often having to fight and battle with the Piglins and Hoglins just to have their own space.

Crimsonborne are known for being very muscular, agressive, loud, and dominating though, this isn't always true.

When it comes to relationships and dynamics, no sex reigns over the other. Strength and power is valued more than anything else. Something you see very often is parents who aren't physically equipped to defend themselves or their kit(s) giving their kits to caretakers who could better defend them.

Litter sizes of Crimsonborne range from 1-2 kit(s)

- Large long up curved horns.

- Ears are pointed.

- Scleras are normaly black in color.

- Irises normally have a unnatural glow to them.

- Fangs poke out from both the bottom and top jaw.

- Skin is red to pink in color.

- Stomage is normal a lighter and pale.

- Spikes of diffrent sizes almost always jet out from the chest, shoulders, and/or back.

- Hands, feet, and the underside of the tail tend to have rough, thick skin.

- Hands and feet have rought paw pads.

- Large non-retractable claws are on both the feet and hands.

- Long tails that are hooked/barbed.



Warped Forest

"The Docile Beast"

When it comes to relationships and dynamics, Warpedborne are intersex having the same lower genitalia but some have breast and some do not. Along with that Warpedborne are normally polyamorous but monogamy isn't uncommon.

Litter sizes of the Warpedborne range from 2-4 kits

- Furry Tipped tail

- Thicker tail

- Glowing Cool Colored Eyes

- Rough Paw Pads Veiny Patterns

- Black False Eye Markings

- Black Second Eye Lids

- Vine like Fur

- Rough Stone like Hands and Feet

- Claws to Climb Trees

- Long Top Fangs

- Down Pointed Ears

- Down Curved Ears

- Blue to Teal in Color.



Nether Wastes

"The Wandering One"

When it comes to relationship and dynamics, Wasteborne

Litter sizes of the Wasteborne range from 1-3 kit(s)

- Fleshy Tail

- Hard Horns

- Pointed Ears

- Rough Stone like Hands and Feet + Under Tail

- Glowing eyes

- Black Eye Whites

- Brown to Red in Color



Basalt Deltas

"The Hardy Loyalist"

Litter sizes of the Basaltborne range from 3-6 kits

- Short Double Horns

- Glowing Warm Colored Eyes

- Speckles Covering Body

- Spines on Tail + Back

- Rough Stone like Hands and Feet + Under Tail

- Claws to Dig

- Very Little Fur

- Grey to Maroon in Color

- Long Bottom Fangs

- Tall Pointed Ears

- Thick Large Tail to Break Basalt Pillars



Soul Sand Valley

"The Speedy Loner"

When it comes to relationships and dynamics,

Litter sizes of the Soulborne on average is 1 kit

- Black Eye Whites

- Glowing Pale Eyes

- Smaller Lighter Feet

- Long Flat Pointed Ears

- Thin Long Horns

- Grey to White in Color

- Thin Short Tails

- Lean Body

- Thin Fingers

- Sunken in Eyes

- Rough Stone like Hands and Feet


Decendants Of Netherbornes