
11 months, 8 hours ago


It wouldn't be a legendary item capable of mass destruction if it wasn't given to an untrained child...although giving it to someone like Virgo is just asking for trouble.

And that trouble is Kooky!

Self-proclaimed Guardian and Keeper of Virgo's most crucial mystical item when fighting enemies: The Posi-Satch, Kooky is a sporadic/sarcastic entity that doesn't really think highly of Virgo at all. She's gluttonous and apathetic, but don't get too attached to her blunt n' mean personality. After all, Virgo has a way with convincing people to like him, given time! Her and Virgo have what she'd like to call a "Strained" partnership, either giving Virgo vaguely demeaning answers on how to control the Satch or just outright refusing to help at all unless having been bribed. However, Virgo thinks that partnership is equal and treats her more like an annoying friend you have to put up with than an obstacle to overcome! Kooky's body is mallable, able to shape-shift into different forms of differing comfort levels to the outside viewer, and her body is powerful enough to keep the Posi-Satch remaining in use. 

While their 'friendship' isn't ideal, these two are the best each other gets. And so, Virgo works with Kooky to prove himself while Kooky tolerates Virgo to kill time until he fails and the item is returned. If she had any fleeting idea on just where she came from or how she even was tasked with this thing, she'd off stopped putting up with situations like this a long time ago.