


1 year, 2 months ago


image-2024-04-28-145846405.png"Oh, I... uhm, I suppose I can give it a try!"

[AGE] 15
[SPECIES] Charcadet
[ABILITY] Flame Body

- Tera Blast
- Fire Blast
- Night Shade
- Protect
- Clear Smog
- Lava Plume
- Will 'O Wisp

Charlos is a young, playful and cheery, yet shy and occasionally anxious Charcadet who hails a distant land said to be out of this world, a land he calls by the name 'Paldea'. He one day found himself in the land of Vast without any knowledge of how he had arrived in the first place, and without any way of returning either.

Without really anyone to be his legal guardian, he resides in a small tent in the forest near the main hub, and enjoys profiting from selling fried berries. He also enjoys frequently spending time with his partner, Stella, whenever she has free time.
Charlos at first glance may seem like a regular Charcadet, though there is a special property to him that allows him to Terastallize at will, and even switch between a Fire and Ghost Tera Type depending on his mood.

Despite being shy most of the time, he has experience with outlaws before. At some point in time he was able to sympathize with one that he initially viewed as big, bad and scary. This allowed him to shift his view on the world, enlightening him and allowing him to think more about the bigger picture rather than taking everything and everyone at face value. Perhaps with more confidence, he can one day find the way home.