Kenny(persona) (South park au(The boy))



7 months, 4 days ago



The Boy






The Boy

Introduction · · ·

Boy is the New Kid who joined the South Park elementary after having to move towns to hide his identity again. He is mute and doesn't communicate/show emotion to anyone except his best friends Kenny and Butters, but he only does that with either head movements or tiny signs that say what he wants to say. He also has extremely sensitive ears so has to constantly wear headphones or ear muffs to block high frequency sounds.

He loves to wear animal themed outfits, especially his shark one. In the superhero world, he is a superhero who has the ability of a shark, and he can release an attack called 'Sushi Tornado' and it does high damage to anyone within a certain radius.


  • Kenny
  • Butters
  • Sushi
  • Bento Boxes
  • Arcades
  • Shark plushies
  • Animal Crossing

  • Cartman
  • Peas
  • Shark fin delicacies
  • Fishing
  • Loud noises
  • Mentions of his scar

Personality · · ·

He's extremely calm and collective, but he loves being a big goodball with his friends while they have fun. Although he has a huge smile with sharp teeth, he eats slowly, trying to enjoy every bite. He loves sushi and bento boxes, he would eat around 20 in one go if no one stopped him. Along with that, he's extremely delicate, he lets butterflies land on his hand and he holds them carefully. Any pet/wild life he treats with upmost kindness. When he gets scared he holds onto his shark tail and pulls the hoodie part down so he can hide. Don't get on his bad side, if you hurt one of his friends he isn't scared to punch you straight in the jaw and break it.

Positive Trait

Loves any type of animal, if there's an aggressive animal, give him 5 minutes and the animal will become calm. If he's your friend, he'll probably have already befriended every animal you own, nothing you can really do about it.

Negative Trait

When exposed to loud frequencies or when he's hurt, he can enter a danger stage where he attacks anyone or anything around him without second thought. He can't think in this stage so he becomes extremely dangerous to be around. The only thing that calm him down is his special ear muffs that blocks out every noise.

Neutral Trait

When he isn't wearing his shark outfit, which is rare, he wears a tan colored trenchcoat and a dark grey scarf. He usually dresses like this when he has to go somewhere fancy or somewhere nice, it bothers him though because he gets weird stares without being in the shark costume(surprinsingly).

Neutral Trait

He is a eating machine, he will eat till he cannot anymore and he will still try to eat. He loves any type of sushi or bento boxes but tends to be more picky towards anything else. His favorite drinks are boba tea or root beer, big fan of those.

Stats · · ·









· · ·

You must break the pattern today! Or the loop will repeat tomorrow!

Trivia · · ·

If he's being chased by others he can jump into water and hide until they leave.
He can be nice when he wants to be, but he likes being left alone
When he isn't playing superheros, he plays with his Legos or Nintendo Switch.
He has been on a couple sushi dates with someone, but won't say who.
His room is full of shark and dinosaur items.
He had a pet fish name Noah.

Backstory · · ·

Moving into South Park he never talked to anyone, even his own parents. He wasn't even confident into going to school because of an incident that happened at the last school. Going into school, others made fun of him for his shark outfit, everyone went quiet however when he openly beat up the teacher for making fun of him for being mute. He instantly befriended Butters and kept trying to keep him away from Cartman cause he could see how big of an ass he was to him. Once a week he would give Butters a drawing of him to show appreciation without having to talk. Everyone just calls him the "New Kid".

Butters introduced him to the main four and he became mutuals with Stan, Kenny and Kyle(no cartman). He bonded with Kenny more however because he related to him more than the other two. They all hung out mostly at Boy's house because they liked his room, the first time they hung out he said "Hello" and they were surprised. He started growing more close to Kenny and Butters however so he mostly talks to those two, Stan and Kyle he makes tiny comments but that's it.

Superhero lore(blood warning) · · ·

His superhero outfit used to be DJ themed with his ear muffs but he changed it to his regular outfit but with earplugs because his DJ outfit was too difficult to wash. He can swim well and attacks like a shark with wide range attacks and any target that is bleeding his attacks do more damage on. At first he was on his own but joined Freedom Pals and worked on a lot of missions with Mysterion. The Coon didn't like the fact that Boy openly hated him, so to try to get payback he teamed up with Professor Chaos to try to control Boy. They captured him when he was in his own house and played such a high frequency it made him go insane.

Freedom Pals were called to the storage facility, all of them. Butters came screaming and running out looking like he was attacked. "Butters? What's wrong?", Human Kite asked. "BAAHH! Cartman played a loud noise and the New Kid went crazy! He attacked someone BAAHHH!", he went home crying after saying that. "Oh shit", Toolshed said. They all ran in to see Boy ripping a night gaurd up he was crying, without making any noise. "NEW KID!", Mysterion yelled. Boy looked up to see them all, he was covered in red. They all looked up to see Coon jump down to where Boy was.

Boy looked up and Coon scratched him extremely badly in his right eye and he fell. "Dude!", Mysterion yelled. "You guys! I saved everyone! The New Kid was the bad one! Not me! So stop believing him!", "Butters told us what you did fatass.", Human Kite said. Mysterion picked Boy up and they all left, pissed off at Cartman. Mysterion brought Boy to his house, and gave him a pair of ear muffs, "Here, they're dirty but they'll do for now". He started to patch up Boy's eye while he was crying. "I'm not....playing....anymore....", Boy said inbetween sobs.

After these events · · ·

He only hangs out with Kenny and holds his hand constantly due to stress. Kenny watches him draw mostly and the two eat at lunch together. He still wears his shark outfit but hates playing anything involving Cartman. Unfortunetly for him, his parents force him to go out and play anyways, because he never told them what happened to his face. When he doesn't hang out with Kenny he's either with Butters or Tweek drinking some type of tea/coffee.

In the superhero world, he only plays if Mysterion asks him to, most of the time they just need him to dive into the water to get something. He now constantly wears the earmuffs Kenny gave him and he only takes them off if Mysterion talks to him. He has elemental/shark based powers and can ocassionally heal someone within a certain radious of him.

Links · · ·

Best friends
Kenny McCormick

They joke around and hang out a lot most preferably away from everyone else. Boy can understand Kenny well despite most of his speech being muffled. Sometimes Stan and Kyle join the two to pull a small prank every now and then. Boy never remembers if Kenny dies which upsets him so he's been trying to capture it on camera to force himself to remember.

Outside of school, the two usually hang out at Kenny's house and usually play video games. Other times they usually are at a sushi bar or just the simple playground.

Butters Leopold Scotch

Boy enjoys Butters, every morning he tried to make an effort to greet him with a little note. Butters makes Boy smile with just his simple kind nature, however the two sometimes ignore each other due to Butters' irrational blow ups. Boy gets angry when Butters once again does something dumb and gets in trouble just because Cartman told him to.

Butters likes showing boy his Hello Kitty Adventures game or his minions and sometimes even Boy joins professor chaos to cause some havoc amongst the others. He finds it fun then just typically being the good guy in superheros, Kenny isn't a big fan of it however.

Gay buds
Tweek Tweak

They initially met while playing superheros and became mutuals after that. Boy started becoming addicted to Tweek's parents coffee after going there a couple times, not good. Sometimes they go on doubke dates, Tweek with Craig and Boy with someone else. He doesn't mind Craig, the two always greet by flipping each other off. Tweek is undoubtedly afraid of Boy's shark teeth because of the incident so he doesn't really show his teeth at all anymore.

code by 00Ishikawa00