


9 months, 25 days ago

Basic Info


22 years


Transgender Male


Creative, fun, clumsy, shy. Loves teasing his friends but is also very loyal and caring towards them.

design details

Big ears. Very fluffy chest back/neck fur. Has top sugery scars, slighty hidden by his chest fur. Always has his pride flag bands around his antlers.

Sexuality and romance

Asexual and panromantic

Fun facts

Autistic. His house is like a forest since it's so filled with plants. Loves frogs and snails, and has a few of each as pets.


Spruce is a friendly young stag, he loves being with his friends and having fun.
He prefers to not be completely alone, he'd rather know that someone is nearby, even if they're not together.
When not hanging out with friends, he likes to read (mostly sci fi and fantasy. Some romance or strong friendships in there wouldn't hurt either).
He also likes to draw, watch stand up and other comedy, listen to music and sing (espicially with a friend. Though he isn't especially good at it, its just fun).
He is a big daydreamer, at any given time, he might be thinking up a whole new world. This also makes him easily distracted to anything that sparks his imagination.
He is also quite forgetful and might have to be told things multiple times. He's very sensitive to people getting annoyed and/or raising their voice, he hates to feel troublesome, which is very easy to make him feel.

Spruce is pretty shy when you first meet him, and it takes him a while to start trusting somene.
But if he feels like you really listen and are genuinly interested, he will open up to you and has lots to tell.
He longs for someone to talk about books with since his only and best friend doesn't read much.

His very best friend: Sugar