


She/Her. ADHD. Always struggles in classes that require reading and writing things she isn't interested in or, worst of all, history. However, she's very gifted in actually performing magic and spells, able to cast magic those her age usually can't do yet. As her family crest is the phoenix, she decided to learn how to give herself wings of fire which she now uses regularly whenever she gets the chance. She's not one for doing things the traditional way. She kept forgetting her wand so she worked with her dad to design magical wooden wrist braces that work as wands. Due to her ADHD and thus her greater affinity for multitasking, she's in the only witch who can cast two spells at once. She wears one wrist brace (wand) for each hand, so she can cast one spell per hand. She's in a very close romantic relationship with Frostheart.