


11 months, 22 days ago



Nickname N/A

Species Ghost (poltergeist)

Age ???

Birthday ???

Zodiac ???

Gender Male

Sexuality N/A

Significant Other N/A

Occupation N/A

Voice Aidan Gallagher

Playlist Everything's Blue in this World

HTML Pinky

They told me that there was no saving you


A resident of the Vardou Town cemetery.

Take me back to where I was before I was born
It's like sweet and dreamless sleep
It sounds like heaven to me


Height 5'6"

Build Thin, slender

Eyes Cherry red, pupil-less

Skin Tone Translucent, a pale white-blue glow.

Hair Color White

Hair Style Messy, unkempt

Demeanor Exhausted, distraught


  • His skin is tinged with blue and purple as if he is still suffering from the cold. Dark bags encircle his eyes.
  • Daton died from drowning, so in death he still exhibits many of the symptoms of hypothermia, such as shivering, lack of coordination, or confusion.
  • His is young in appearance, most likely a 15-16 year old.
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Curious, bleak, deceptive, anxious, spiteful, forgetful.

It can be difficult to pinpoint his personality. Daton is ever-changing and quick to make you aware of that. His mind is fragmented in two, the side of him that remembers being alive and the side of him that is now dead. The latter, when fully aware of himself, is bitter and spiteful, hating the world and depressed to be dead. The former is sweet and perceptive, weird and quirky, who will laugh at your joke even if it isn't very funny. This side is rare, however, because every day, more of the sorrow consumes him, making him lash out in anger and vile hostility to those who don't deserve it. He expects the worst of others, often making him fret around the graveyard and hating those in his company.

Sometimes, he will completely forget he is dead and legitimately feel the symptoms of his hypothermia in full force, shivering and complaining about the unbearable cold. It is a trance-like state of living in the inbetween.

Daton will pick random things up that he finds interesting (or often steals them from humans who venture too far into the graveyard) and collects them. He keeps little piles of these 'treasures' around his territories. His collection consists of tools, glasses, and any little toy or such that gives off pulses of electricity.


Hobbies include general haunting shenanigans, such as mingling, moving stuff around, knocking things over. He likes electronics, bugs, and is completely fascinated with aircraft and flying.


He hates the daytime, eating vegetables, loud animals (such as birds), obnoxious humans, and vandalism.




Daton still has all five of his senses, and he can shut them down or turn them on as he pleases. This sensory rejection is what allows him to pass through solid objects and sort of "float" off of the ground instead of walking. This is usually his default state, as it took a lot of time and effort to be able to touch or feel things with a conscious effort.

He often chooses not to use his senses at all, and only come into play when he is actively Haunting, causing people to physically feel/smell/taste/see whatever it was that happened to him at the point his own death. He makes them feel and experience everything that he went through, even up to his own thoughts, attempting to drive the person to commit their own suicide.

Daton can choose to attach his spirit onto any place, item, or person, which will allow him to "haunt" them for as long as he wants to.


Daton, as we know him, would most likely cease to exist should he ever be properly laid to rest.



Tell me I'm only dreaming
Tell me he's just sleeping
And when morning comes
We'll both wake up to see the sun




There was just blackness. Time was irrelevant; he did not know for sure how long he was in the void. He awoke, standing on the bridge he'd flung himself over and no place to go. Daton jumped off of the bridge over and over again, only to keep waking up at that same moment in time. The precipice of his suicide.

One day, he didn't really feel like jumping anymore. Since then, Daton has been wandering from cemetery to cemetery, looking for himself. He is unable to pass on to the afterlife because his body was never found and put to rest.

Ongoing Story

Daton was befriended by a vampire named Contrist. He was in Vardou cemetery when she was robbing graves, and some part of him retaliated in fury for those whose bones she was digging up. He attached himself to her and followed her home, but Contrist felt sympathy for him and offered her own home to him willingly. Since then, Daton was been adopted of sorts by Contrist and her wife, Miranda.

A ghost taking his place in our hearts
Where inside he moves from room to room
But sometimes he climbs our spines
To remind our grieving heads
That in this way he hasn't left







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