
  • Name: Ragna Eileen Drasil
  • Age: 21
  • Height: 4,50
  • Weight: 3.000
  • Bust Size: Extra Large

(Height and Weight are from a RP I just to play, she will grow bigger)

  • Race: Valkyrie
  • Role: Tank


Kind, sweet, with a motherly personality. She cannot wait and see how everything is going bad around her. She is very protective.


  • Queen of Valhalla, she is gaining strenght to get her kindgdom back. Loves kids, she always donates to charity and orphanages when she can. She has a Halberd as a Weapon but she doesn't use it. She uses her body as a weapon, she crushes and squishes enemies with her weight. They call her ''Iron Butt'' and ''Gravity Jupiter''. Her first job is Military Soldier and her second job and stress relief is Maid at a Maid Café. Loves to sing. Specially nordic songs related to Valkyries.
  • She has a special bracelet that lets her reduce her height and weight.

Examples of Daily Clothing:


She also likes vintage and pin-up clothing.


Age: 31
Height: 2'11
Weight: 154

Race: Wyrm

Role: Tank-DPS (Off-Tank)

Left eye blue, right green.
His horns do a ''C'' form around his ear.
They are a really dark blue, more black than blue.
Very overprotective with Ragna, extremely jelaous.