Jeremiasz Kot



11 months, 3 days ago



Name: Jeremiasz Kot

Age: 30

Height: 1,76

Gender: Man

Prounous: He/they/she

Sexual Orientation: He thought he only like womans, but now he’s pan.


Zodiac Sign: -

Likes: Sleep, fighting, making makeup, playing with other people emotions, drink alcohol (the real polish vodka), discussing, cooking

   His real name is Jeremiasz Kot what translated means Jeremy Cat. Anyway. Nobody knows his real name. Only Medic, Sniper and Miss Pauling knows it. And it’s not because his name is top secret but because nobody asked him for it. Everybody just calls him a boy, because he looks much younger than he actually is. 

   He survived second World War. He was 11 years old when The Nazis send a bomb on his family’s house. The way he survived it’s jet so stupid and lucky. He started a fight with his older sister. He was so mad at her that he needed to go outside and at the same time The Nazis bombed area around his house. When he only heard the sound of the planes, he hide in the forest nearby the house, but the bomb fell right into the house- Leaving nothing but hole in the ground. 

   That was the moment when Jeremy needed to take things into his hands, so he did EVERYTHING he could to survive.