Luke Hearthorn



10 months, 24 days ago


Name: Luke Sato Hearthorn

Age: 23

Race: Furrae - Rabbit

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual 

Occupation: Photographer and Writer for Ecchi INC.

Home: 7112 Gilded Way, Blitz City GM 899612 - within the basement of his sibling’s home.

History: Luke originally started out as Sato Usagi, born in a country that is much like the Japan of our world. He was the only son to Hiroshi and Emiko Usagi. Hiroshi was once owner of a up and coming business, but after an incident that resulted in the death of his wife - he lost it all. 

Sato was just 10 years old when the incident happened. He was caught kissing a neighborhood boy by his father - coming home early one day. Finally snapping after years of stress he went after Sato - a blow to his head caused the numbness he feels now in his left ear. His mother - Emiko, jumped in to protect him and caught the brunt of his father’s rage, thus loosing her life.

Hiroshi was caught and sent to prison leaving poor Sato to the mercy of the foster care system. 

The truma from this happening in his life left him mute, during his time in foster care he pick up sign language. Due to him being a selective mute and how often he has night terror episodes, he was in and out of the system until the age of 15.

During one of his treks home he came across Lilly Hearthorn.

Lilly had gotten lost during a business trip and didn’t know where to find her hotel. Luke showed her the way and during the short trip she learn of Sato’s life in foster care.

Lilly wasn’t a stranger to adoption - she has two children of her own back home that she adopted.

Lilly proudly adopted Sato as well and brought him back home to her family of; Clifford, Riku and Reaku. Sato’s name was changed during the travel and was welcomed into the Hearthorn Family as Luke. 

Luke’s life through High School was tough; he had to adjust to a new life and a new culture, connect with himself again and discovered who he really is, learn what a real family is and what it means to be unconditionally loved and re-discovered his voice.

By time he graduated high school, Luke sat his sights on college - first majoring as a Graphic designer and then changing it to Photography.

Once his graduated with his Associates in Photography, he moved in with Riku and Reaku got a job at Ecchi INC - the Furrae’s wold famous adult magazine.

While there he found he has a talent for writing and maybe found the love of his life.

Fun Facts: 

- Luke has Presbyopia and mainly uses his glasses while working on the computer, with his photos and while reading.

-Luke is very introverted and likes to spend his off time taking photos, online gaming, fanfic writing and D&D

-Luke likes to play the class of bard, he says the class really speaks to him as an artist.

-Luke mains as a Lvl 70 Octo-Buccaneer on World of Lovecraft.

-Luke will sometimes slip up and speak some broken Japanese when his with family or in a panicked/ excited state.

-Luke likes to listen to game background music when he works.

Favorite Color: Purple and Gold

Favorite Food: Honey Roasted Carrots, June Bug Stew and Lettuces Wraps


-Blue HamHam: Rain Drop Quartet

-Tony22: Safe Place

-Owl City: Fireflies

-Hyper Potions: Little Root Town

-Hyper Potions: Friends

-Video Game Remixes: The Legend of Zelda - Fairy Fountain (Remix)

-GHOST DATA: Full Bodied (feat. AL!CE)