


11 months, 5 days ago


  • Name: Karî - Godess of the Mysterious Shadow Realm
  • Being a godess she could choose any form she wish, however, she usually only chooses one of two. The first being a lady with clawed hands and feet, pointed ears and a furry tail with spikes at the end. She is skimpily dressed with a cloak and hood that is actually merged with her body. Her body, often a very dark blue or black can shine like a starry night sky and an evening sunset. A beautiful sight to behold should you catch a glimpse of her in her “evening gown”.Her second form, however, is much more terrifying! It is much like a sabertoothed feline crossed with a Shadowdrake! Most of its body shrouded in darkness, only her clawed paws face and tail sometimes visible. Though should you see her whole form you could see black shadowy wings and the terrible spikes that run the length of her back. The only likening to her other form being the furry spiked tail and her two glowing golden eyes and the fact that both forms can make chills run down your spine!Karî, despite her cold and terrifying appearances is a mere mask for her kind and caring soul. She loves her people enough to protect them by any means. Karî ended her alliance with the world of Palentia when they tried to introduce dangerous fires to her realm which would disrupt the beautiful balance of the night flora and the creatures that live there. Cutting off the gateways, save one, she became known as a godess if hate, destruction and evil. Though all is far from truth. Karî wonders if an alliance may one day be made again, but her trust is very fragile, it would take a person of great power, wisdom and speech to persuade this godess to reopen the gateways once more.