The Deathsiders



10 months, 23 days ago



the deathsiders



FORM OC-105A: Basic observations recorded for individual.

The Deathsiders are a multiversal criminal association, headed by VK. Their primary goal is to bring chaos, destruction and death to the multiverse.
Our goal

Our business concerns, but is not limited to, bringing chaos and destruction across the omniverse. World by world, universe by universe, we plan to destroy and delete everything they come across.

Of course, this plan requires a generous amount of goods, funds and labor, and so we have founded branches that take care of illegal trafficking of weapons, illegal substances, humans (for all purposes and of all ages), paid assassinations, prostitution, military power, negotiations with high political ranks, biotechnological research and entertainment.

Every one of these branches have their leaders, which take care of those under the direct command of V.K. Pentagon. Only those selected individuals, along with personal bodyguards, are the ones with knowledge of her identity.

The symbol

The Deathsiders symbol is tattooed or branded on each member's left arm. If the members are temporary or cannot, for any reason, tattoo such a symbol, they will be given either a red armband with such symbol or will be given some type of branding that will mark them as members.

It takes the form of a capital V that shares one of its two bars with that of the capital K, which divides the symbol in half. These two letters are surrounded first by a pentagon, and then by a circle.

This symbol is also found in uniforms, on the hat and jacket.

our history

Born in the late 1800s in Scilla, Calabria, the two original bosses were V.K. Pentagon, at the time Maria Carmela Ventura-Koenigsberger, and her brother Tancredi Ventura-Koenigsberger. Back then, their name was “Laetifici”, as that meant “bringers of death.”

As much as V.K. was the current boss, considering the sexist mentality of the time, she had given her brother the task of maintaining the facade of boss, yet giving him a good share of any earnings and recognition of their success.

Having come to fairly vast power throughout Italy and even parts of Europe, Tancredi decided to break away, wanting to create an organization of his own in America, and VK resumed the reins, this time as the official boss, but keeping herself undercover and never being seen directly, even by her subordinates from the highest ranks.

Following the destruction of her universe, she was forced to move to the primordial sphere and, having taken a liking to traveling between universes, she decided to expand into other parallel realities as well, where she had not only enticed people to join, but also enslaved entire civilizations to force them to do labor for her.

I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the provided information is true and correct.


Leader and Founder VK Pentagon Signature

FORM OC-105B: THe hierarchical structure of our organization.


As in most criminal associations, there is a power hierarchy that gives Deathsiders varying degrees of power and influence:

  • Approximates: These are those who deal, directly or indirectly, with the Deathsiders. They have little power, as they are only granted immunity if they abide by the “Gospel” of the Deathsiders.
  • Soldiers: They are those who fight, in one way or another, to protect the Deathsiders. They can be recognized by the uniform they wear: it is a gray military uniform, with pants for men and a pencil skirt for women, a military hat with red borders and the Deathsiders symbol, and a pair of round glasses.
  • Local chiefs: These are those who manage the Deathsiders in the various areas of influence, where the Caporegimes cannot reach directly.
  • Caporegime: They are the ones in charge of the various sectors: Illegal exchanges, brothels etc. There is one for each sector, and they all report directly to the highest levels. They are the only ones who have regular contact with the bosses.
  • Vice boss: As of now, there are only two vice bosses, who have direct contact with the highest underworld powers and help the boss with her decisions and strategic plans: Cleo Deliopis and Lucas Demicus.
  • Boss: V.K. Pentagon, founder and leader of the Deathsiders.

Soldier uniform

qua ci va messa l'immagine ma sono spastica e non riesco

FORM OC-105C: History known of individual.



What circumstances were they born in? Where did they come from? Was their life comfortable or a struggle? Childhood circumstances, education, training, and other information can be written here.

Turning Point

At what moment did your character enter the story and find their agency? What formed their initial motivations?


What is your character's current job? What are their goals? What sort of places do they roam?

(This whole text box scrolls by the way.)