Abyaz the Talaseer



11 months, 11 hours ago


Name: Abyaz Guazha

Species: Talaseer

Occupation: Space Captain and in charge of Colony planets

Age: ??? Over 1000 years due to his enhancements.

Morality: Chaotic/lawful Evil

Personality: Militant, tactical, hardworking, arrogant, obstinate,   he can be

Kind, compassionate, Charismatic when he wants to be.

Other: He has bio mechanical enhancements to keep him alive, used with very durable materials withstanding any heavy blows, aswell as a mechanical arm that can have a reattachable Laser gun to his hand.


Abyaz was born on the planet CARIA-B, a planet that was part of the Talaseer Empire. The Talaseer were a militaristic Species 

Abyaz grew up in a society that valued strength. He was taught from an early age that the best way to serve the Talaseer Empire was to be a strong and courageous warrior. Abyaz was a promising youth and became a skilled warrior, eventually rising to the rank of Captain in the Talaseer space forces.

During his time as a Captain, Abyaz became known for his toughness and courage in battle, earning him a reputation as a ruthless and fearsome warrior. He fought in many battles, earning many accolades and medals of honors. In time, he rose to the rank of Space Captain, and he was tasked with leading a crew onboard his ship.

However, over time, Abyaz began to feel the pressure of leading his crew and living up to the expectations of the Talaseer Empire. He became increasingly ruthless and authoritarian as he sought to maintain his position and status within the ranks of the Talaseer. He also began to develop a bitterness towards those who questioned his authority and challenged his actions. In time, he became a cruel and oppressive leader, ruling his crew with an iron fist.

Abyaz’s increasingly destructive and unhinged actions caused the Talaseer authorities to question his fitness for command. However, his ruthless and brutal tactics also made him effective at combating his enemies. This created a tension within the Talaseer society, as Abyaz’s actions brought victories but came at the cost of innocent lives. In time, his actions would cross a line and cause him to be branded as a Galactic war criminal.

Despite this, Abyaz remained unafraid and unrepentant as he continued his destructive path. His actions caused pain and suffering, but he still believed in what he was doing, believing that the sacrifices were necessary for the Talaseer Empire to succeed. However, in time, the suffering he had caused began to weigh heavily on his conscience, and he grew increasingly unstable and erratic, causing his sanity to spiral into madness.

The Talaseer leaders knew that Abyaz was becoming unstable and erratic, but they couldn't get rid of him because he was still delivering results. Despite his unpredictable and reckless behavior, he was still able to lead his crew to victory in numerous battles, making him a valuable asset. The leaders wanted to keep him in line, but they were afraid that if they took action against him, they would lose a key piece of their military and weaken their position in the galactic conflict.

Eventually, however, they decided that something needed to be done before Abyaz’s instability became too much to handle. They began to plan how to neutralize his erratic behavior and prevent him from doing any further damage.

While the plans were being put in place, Abyaz’s madness continued to fester and grow. He became Extremely unstable, reckless, and disconnected from reality. He began to behave with a reckless disregard for the safety of himself and others, as the lines between reality and fantasy blurred.

The Talaseer leaders were not the only ones who were concerned about Abyaz's growing madness. His growing instability had caused a faction of resistance to form, composed of those who were worried about the damage Abyaz was causing. This resistance was made up of people who wanted to stand up against the Talaseer Empire and fight for a better and more just society. They saw Abyaz as a symbol of the brutality and oppression of the Talaseer Empire and feared that if he wasn't stopped, he would continue to cause untold misery and destruction

The resistance consisted of both alien species who had suffered from the wars and destruction caused by the Talaseer Empire, as well as Talaseer rebels who had broken away from the regime. They all had one common goal: to bring down the Talaseer Empire and create a new, more just society in its place. The Talaseer rebels were particularly vital as they provided information about the internal workings of the Empire and were instrumental in helping the resistance plan their attacks.